Man on 1B / 0 outs New Earl is #45 Fr RHP Dean (0.00, 0-0, 1.0 IP) WP moves Lawson to 2B/Evans singles to shallow right/center. 1 in.
Gators on the corners / 2 outs B/WP brings in 1 and Jones on 2B/F/WP moves Jones to 3B/B - Boser walks
Men on 1B & 2B / 2 outs Well, young Freshman, it just wasn’t your day. New Earl is #26, So LHP LaPalm (6.00, 1-0, 3.0 IP) Donay in to DH Donay hits to 3B and he tags runner (after a comedy routine) 4/4/0/2 Gators 4-1 Still surprised they didn’t charge an E on 3B dropping the ball.
This both amazes me and frustrates me watching pitchers “finish” on their mechanics in today’s style of pitching. Their back is upright, and they swing their drive leg around and across their body. Completely kills their drive to finish and shotguns their release points. So damn frustrating to watch.