Determined to Lose: Dem Gov. Supports Replacing 'Mother' With 'Inseminated Person' In their latest effort to police language, destroy the nuclear family, and diminish women's roles as caregivers, Wisconsin Democrat Gov. Tony Evers and fellow Wisconsin Democrats filed an executive budget bill where the word "woman" is replaced by "inseminated person." Per the Sentinel, the words "spouse" and "person" replaced words like "mother," "father," "husband," and "wife" in the bill. The outlet noted that the phrase "the husband of the mother" was replaced in a section concerning artificial insemination with the phrase "the spouse of the inseminated person." Lol, and they wonder why we think the left are wackos
There is real mental illness out there pretending to be normal. These mentally diseased people will do anything to groom children (indoctrinate) into thinking what they want them to think, and it starts with taking control of people's children. I think this needs serious attention, and in NO way should this kind of jackassery ever be giving any real consideration or debate. This is just another way for these people to destroy the nuclear family... more insanity by the mentally retarded people in the Dem Party. .
Not surprised this is happening in Whacky-onsin. There is something wrong with the tofu and vegan-cheese those wokerati are consuming in that state.
Garbage headline. The sperm may not be the husband’s — could be a gay couple or could be a donor. Legal language is often rewritten to cover situations. Read people, read more deeply. “In one section covering artificial insemination, "the husband of the mother" was changed to "the spouse of the inseminated person." Republican group criticizes Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers after 'mother' language changed
This raises the real question which is why is this such an important thing to you? Trump wants to invade and conquer other countries, our personal information is being released to hackers and coders in their early 20’s, the cost of food is rising while the stock market is crashing, our allies are turning against us, and the world is laughing at us, but this is what concerns you? And you wonder why people think Trump voters are uneducated rednecks.
Evers change of terminology is almost as bizarre as referring to inmates convicted of or awaiting trial for attacking law enforcement officers as hostages rather than as inmates.
“This is bizarre” was my initial reaction based on headline. Read post 5, changed my mind. The whole thing has to do with “artificial insemination” in the first place. The law can’t just say “mother” or “father” when it comes to IVF or surrogacy situations. It could potentially be two married women, yes, but it’s also possible a married hetero couple need a donor or fertility procedure. In which case the “father” (in biological terms) might actually be somebody other than the male husband, hence “spouse of the inseminated” person is more clear as to who they are talking about regardless of the situation. The law has to define who has what rights in all situations so there isn’t confusion or litigation afterwards. Obviously the conservative media damaged brain probably goes straight to the idea of a pregnant trans man or some shit.