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Musk wants to give everyone a $5000 refund check

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by WarDamnGator, Feb 19, 2025.

  1. WC53

    WC53 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 17, 2015
    Old City
    Durham’s indictments should be coming down soon n all the fraud.
  2. HeyItsMe

    HeyItsMe GC Hall of Fame

    Mar 7, 2009
    This has a 100% chance of not happening. Zero percent anyone is getting a check, but it will be fun to see MAGA ding dongs proven wrong again.
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  3. BLING

    BLING GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 16, 2007
    Well they might mail out a $5000 check, esp if there are any signs of the economy weakening. Gotta buy back some votes. This after years telling us the covid stimulus caused inflation, and it was all Biden’s fault. Lying is sort of all they do now.
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  4. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    This is simply untrue.
  5. dangolegators

    dangolegators GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 26, 2007
    How so?
  6. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Sigh. My daughter is babysitting tonight for some friends. She has a day job and is a full time student...
    But for this "job" They will hand her like $100 cash when she leaves.

    Wanna bet how much the feds ever see?

    Now take that concept to the many who get paid under the table for every penny they make.

    Those people dont pay income taxes in many cases.
    They should. They will probably regret It at retirement, but they dont.
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  7. dangolegators

    dangolegators GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 26, 2007
    Sigh? You just can't help yourself can you? You always want to start something.

    Anyway, when she spends that $100 she will be indirectly paying some the income taxes and payroll taxes of the business she spends it at. Businesses pass some of the cost of the tax on to the consumer. If those taxes were lower, the stuff she buys wouldn't cost as much. This is basic economics.
  8. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    You said "everyone who works pays taxes directly to the federal government". That is literally not true.

    And how is commenting on the literal subject "starting something"?

    Sigh indeed
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  9. dangolegators

    dangolegators GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 26, 2007
    Ok, I see you want to nitpick so I will be more specific. Everyone who works should pay taxes to the federal government but some, like your daughter, evade their taxes and don't report their income. But even those who don't work, or those who work but don't report their income, pay taxes indirectly.

    As for the 'sigh', you know that's a shitty little thing to say when responding to a post where I simply asked 'How so?'. You ever wonder why you continually get into personal pissing matches with numerous other posters while other mods, like River and Okla, don't?
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 2
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  10. pogba

    pogba All American

    Nov 28, 2013
    If they actually do these tariffs $5k may be worth about $500
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  11. gtr2x

    gtr2x GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    I thought the idea behind musk and Doge was to reduce gov spending and therefore reduce the deficit. How does giving more $$ to taxpayers accomplish that? Sounds like some creative new math. o_O
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  12. G8trGr8t

    G8trGr8t Premium Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    it doesn't. it teases them with something like self driving teases tesla stock holders. just trust me..
  13. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Taking shots at my daughter is just your style.
    What a cowardly way to make a point.

    My quess is if you have a daughter she doesnt report her baby sitting money either and if you have a son probably doesnt file the $25 for raking the neighbors lawn.

    Newsflash. No kid pays taxes on side cash they pick up for odd jobs. Not libs, not cons, no one.
    You didn't. I didn't.

    And you and one other off the rails libby are the only ones I really get into "pissing" matches with. I think I show and receive pretty mutual respect from 99% of reasonable posters on the left.

    AND on top of it....YOU are now mad for me literally quoting your LITERAL words? You said everyone who works pays taxes. Many called you out and now you backtrack and say you meant "should" pay taxes and act like we are the ones getting it wrong


    But the little shot at my daughter is noted.
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  14. dangolegators

    dangolegators GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 26, 2007
    You are the one who brought your daughter into it. You used her as an example of someone who works but doesn't report the income, which is tax evasion. So me mentioning that she should report the income is entirely on you. And yes, I have a daughter and no, of course she didn't report her income back when she did baby sitting either. She was a tax evader too. Most of us have been tax evaders at various times in our lives. I certainly have been (didn't report my fantasy football winnings). So try not to lose your mind over me mentioning it, when you are the one who brought it up in the first place. And I've seen you get into these kinds of exchanges with other posters many times (more than just me and JJ, whom you seem to have a particular obsession with). It doesn't happen with the other mods.

    So back to the actual discussion. Everyone pays taxes, either directly or indirectly. If you disagree with that tell me why.
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  15. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Stop acting like this isnt a cheap shot:
    "Everyone who works should pay taxes to the federal government but some, like your daughter, evade their taxes and don't report their income"

    And then try to smooth it over by now saying everyone does.

    I dont think most people consider girls babysitting money as tax evasion, but you went there for some reason.
    • Winner Winner x 3
  16. dangolegators

    dangolegators GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 26, 2007
    Get over it. Do you think that everyone pays taxes, either directly or indirectly?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. WarDamnGator

    WarDamnGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    What your daughter is doing is illegal, though, she is required to report that $100. I but I'm sure lots of people do that ... kids that mow lawns in the neighborhood are not filing taxes either ... but come on man, you know what the poster meant. Kids working under the table for a couple hours a week doesn't negate the main point that everyone contributes to the federal coffers in some way.
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 2
  18. vaxcardinal

    vaxcardinal GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Isn’t there a threshold were kids don’t pay taxes on money earned?
  19. WarDamnGator

    WarDamnGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    I think it’s $400 a year, but since he says she has a regular job, I’m pretty sure that $100, even if it were the only extra money earned all year, would have to be reported on top her regular wages.
    • Informative Informative x 1
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  20. OklahomaGator

    OklahomaGator Jedi Administrator Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Backtracking on this, Tilly used his daughter as an example and mentioned others who get paid cash for working under the table and do not pay taxes.
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