I know a guy who grew up exceedingly wealthy that now lives in the woods behind an abandoned Winn Dixie. His family can’t get him to take his meds, he’s schizophrenic. He talks to God and see falcons everywhere. He draws in the dirt and thinks we are all abnormal. You saying that isn’t real?
1. Defining what constitutes " mental illness". The Soviet Union was notorious for classifying anyone who disagreed with the party as mentally ill. 2. Camp, farms, semantics for places to send them so they are contained and out of sight. A slippery slope from there to atrocities. 3. Civil liberties issues: having a mental illness is not illegal. Holding a person against their will for " mental health" reasons is a high bar and for good reason. This sounds like an attempt to lower that bar. 4. As others have stated, does any one really think the gop is going to pony up the necessary $$$ to actually treat these folks in a meaningful way as opposed to warehousing them and benefiting from cheap or free labor. 5. The idea that they cannot contact anyone on the outside does not trouble you in the ieast? 6. We get it, your orange god can do no wrong MAGA MAGA MAGA.
A lot of speculation in this thread without a lot of data. RFK was brain farting which is how this administration operates. I would bet he has no real plan drawn up to do much of anything other than make crazy statements. I would welcome a public solution to homelessness that treated drug addiction and mental health and hope it is something that RFK can move the right toward supporting.
None of these behaviors seem especially weird to me. Have you talked to him much ? And it’s probably a good thing he’s not taking his meds. Schizophrenia: The Sacred Symbol of Psychiatry
Just more pathetic left-wing hate. You get to lie and be the victim. Well done. That's the left's triple crown!
Where do you live? Maybe he can move in with you. You’d be begging for his meds. I thought I’ve read some stupid things on this site but you have now exceeded even my wildest expectations of stupid. Well done.
Maybe you’re not good with people. Or maybe you’d just rather drug your family than contend with the family you have … Schizophrenia: The Sacred Symbol of Psychiatry “Szasz argues that the word schizophrenia does not stand for a genuine disease, that psychiatry has invented the concept as a sacred symbol to justify the practice of locking up people against their will and treating them with a variety of unwanted, unsolicited, and damaging interventions. . . . Szasz is an incisive, exciting, and dramatic writer. He loves the clever analogy, the well-turned phrase, the dramatic surprise."—George W. Albee, Contemporary Psychology
The guy isn’t in my family. If he was I’d get him Baker Acted and force his meds on him. Then maybe an involuntary hold for treatment. The guy has lived with every member of his family and tried to kill 2 of them. Sounds like something compassion and understanding could overcome. Maybe if you read him that quote he will suddenly become a productive member of society and not pose a threat to himself or others?
Typically we jail people for attempted murder. Ironically, anointing people with exotic labels keeps them out of jail.
He hit his brother over the head with a guitar. He stole from his sisters and threatened them and their families with bodily harm. They chose to kick him out of the house instead of pressing charges.
I’ve witnessed people undertake similar strategies when there was no implication of mental illness. Remember, I’m not saying the behaviors commonly considered mental illness do not exist. In my experience in counseling I’ve seen crazy things. I’m just agreeing with the likes of Szasz that the behaviors commonly attributed to mental illness are just age-old problems of living.
With the blessings of psychiatrists, you can murder a man with an axe, eat and eyeball and part of his brain and enjoy a conditional release! CT psychiatric board grants conditional release of 'Bridgeport cannibal killer'