obviously those who are trying to come here illegally take Trump at his word ‘Trump Administration Is Serious’: America’s Southern Border Hasn’t Been This Quiet Since The 1960s
Ridin' the success of Biden. Still have all those 13 million illegal immigrants here though, huh? Was Trump just lying about getting rid of all them?
How many U.S. presidents can say they took a top two issue and turned it around this drastically in a span of weeks?
I basically said this in another thread, but assuming this is accurate, trumps messaging has convinced people that they don’t want to come here. Literally people now feel better off in whatever horrible situation they are living out in their current country than finding hope in the US. In other words, we are no longer viewed as the land of opportunity. I know people are hugely anti immigrant these days so maybe that doesn’t bother anyone, but it’s basically been the soul and ethos of this country for a long time so I’d tell people maybe we should be careful what we wish for. I guess time will tell if this is accurate, if it sticks, and what the costs are. But you can certainly congratulate Trump for his messaging because it seems to have worked at least for now.
Wrong. Trumppublicans were excited to vote for an adulterous criminal, who had both admitted and been adjudicated guilty of sexual assault. And been accused of sexual assault or rape by appx 27 women.
Really? I didn’t know he was all those things. I must have ignored all your posts where you incessantly spew the same points.
Do you have that message saved and repost it every time you are lost with nothing to say of value? Seems that way.
You guys are funny. Here is the trend of encounters... of course they will be lower. They have been trending that way for years. Trump inherited a quite border. Southwest Land Border Encounters | U.S. Customs and Border Protection The Border Got Quieter, So Trump Had to Act - The Atlantic
I can’t think of a single thing Trump hasn’t inherited that he’s run into the ground. Well, there’s his marriages.
That’s another made-up lie from the MAGA popup book of fairy tales. They never have gotten those things.