Does nasa have any guidelines? Wear a helmet when outside? Buy more guns? Start evacuations early to avoid traffic?
If it is going to hit us: Give it a shove in 2028 when it gets in range. . When it reapproaches in 2032 it will be a lot harder to move it out of the way. If Elon gets the call to save us count on the Democrats to hamper him in every way
In the dream world there’d be a united attempt funded by all countries to prevent this from striking. But it’s probably going to end up like the Don’t Look Up movie on Netflix.
I was at UF when Skylab fell, I walked around campus with a hardhat and an umbrella looking up and saying Skylab, Skylab the sky is falling. Got a few laughs that day.
Does anyone actually have a nuke that can travel far enough, into space, to strike an asteroid before it gets close enough to shower the earth with fragments ? Or have I been watching too many movies ?
I know, but I’d want to see evidence of an unexplainable change in trajectory before deciding if it worked or not.
Guessing odds are less than 1% it will hit land. 70% of Earth is covered in water so 30% of 3%. Surfs up.
Like I said dream world It’d be fair share Even if this hits outside US it’d still have global impact whether it’s physical or economic damage Everyone’s best interest to band together and unite But probably not gonna happen