That is precisely what I meant by “a manner that would please the Russians.” People often point out that we held elections, even a Presidential election, during our Civil War. And I point right back that we did not include the states in rebellion in those elections. Even when it came to ratifying the 13th Amendment, the former rebellious states under Union occupation (Tennessee, Louisiana, and Arkansas) were constituted under — how shall we put it politely? — less-than-democratic means to ensure an outcome. Holding elections under the conditions faced by Ukraine might be, ironically, more democratically problematic than continuing martial law.
For clarity, let just go with that anything in Russia control Ukraine in the Eastern Oblasts, ie Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizha, and Kherson, along with Crimean, are considered by Russia to be independent entities and not part of Ukraine, so they would not get to vote in any Ukrainian election.
Yes, Kellogg could get fired and that would be a distressing event. Until then, Trump has a former SOCEUR CG as his personnel representative to this conflict who has a very comprehensive understanding of what is going on. Why don't we wait until we see what the baby, if there actually is one, ends up looks like instead of commenting on every single labor pain?
A likely scenario would be a Russian demand that elections take place in Ukraine as a whole including those parts of Ukraine currently occupied by Russian troops. In the Russian controlled part of the country Putin puts the fix in with a Russian puppet winning with 90% of the vote while in those parts of Ukraine not controlled by Russia Zelensky wins with a plurality but ends up splitting the vote with other candidates resulting a final outcome with a victory by the Russian puppet. A similar although not quite as egregious outcome would be a fixed election in which the voters in those parts of the country occupied by Russia agree to a permanent occupation or even annexation with Russia.
Russia cannot demand those Oblasts be part of any Ukrainian elections because their official position is those Oblasts are now independent entity separate from Ukraine. Your last worry has already happened, as fixed elections already took place in September of '22 in those areas. 2022 annexation referendums in Russian-occupied Ukraine - Wikipedia
“Now they demand a seat at the table when previously they didn’t want a table” End in Sight for Ukraine War After Riyadh Meeting
If you count “words” as something happening, then I’ll concede the argument. Clearly, in context, I meant what I have repeated ad naseum: until a deal has been accepted by both Russia and Ukraine, then there is no deal. And I have also repeated my logic multiple times on why — even if those words are serious and not just a method for bringing Russia to the table — such a deal as we have discussed here (i.e. no security guarantee for Ukraine) will not ultimately happen. I say again, let them have their pro forma talks, and let Russia stomp away from them. Then we will see.
Similar to the prospect of "peace in our team" negotiated by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain" in Munich in 1938.
It's not just about Ukraine anymore. We now have a president who is taking Putin's side. It would be like if FDR had started echoing Hitler's rhetoric in 1939. What does that bode for the future of the world (and not just Ukraine)?
You're assuming consistency on the part of Vladimir Putin. I wouldn't bet on it especially since Ukraine hasn't recognized the independence of those Oblasts. While Putin obviously has recognized their independence it wouldn't be surprising in the least if he decided that they were part of Ukraine for purpose of the elections.
words do matter he is parroting russian talking points he is questioning the validity of Zelensky leadership and calling for elections - straight from Moscow instead of discussions of rape and war crimes and kidnapping of children and civilians sent to who knows where dt is talking about how Ukraine caused Putin to be so scared he had to invade ukraine..seriously..raping children, old women, men, stealing children for who knows what purpose, targeting hospitals, potus acts like those things are Z fault if the potus is willing to parrot Putin talking points to the world, what makes you think he isn't willing to do more than that behind the scenes?
If such a deal is signed by Ukraine under duress of our creation, then you are correct. That is exactly what it would be. And the prospects for great-power war would go up, not down, greatly. My guess would be Taiwan as the trigger, but it could come in a number of ways.
Sorry, but asked and answered previously. I agree that words matter. I vehemently disagree with the words. But I believe they are empty words designed to bring about talks that will ultimately prove fruitless, except to demonstrate how intransigent and unaware of the weakness of its position Russia is. I will fully admit if I prove to be wrong on this. But other than “We will see,” I think that needs to be the last I say on it until we have actual results to discuss.