Acer Laptop prices in the U.S. are set to rise by 10% from March 2025, commented CEO Jason Chen in an interview with The Telegraph. Chen states that the price hike is a direct result of the Trump administration's incoming tariffs. "We will have to adjust the end user price to reflect the tariff," Chen said to The Telegraph. "We think 10% probably will be the default price increase because of the import tax. It's very straightforward," the Acer CEO continued. The decision to increase prices was reportedly confirmed last week, with the Taiwanese tech giant remaining unaffected by tariffs on products that left China before February. Therefore, stock hitting U.S. channels afterward will be subject to increased tariffs. Trump tariffs result in 10% laptop price hike in U.S. says Acer CEO Thanks Trump. I guess this is what some of you would call winning
You May Soon Pay More for Apple Devices. Experts Weigh In on Trump's Tariffs - CNET The iPhone 16 Pro, which starts at $1,000 at T-Mobile, could jump up to $1,100.
Watch the same people who freaked out and blamed Biden for world wide inflation give Trump a pass on inflation he's actually causing.
Hate to tell people, but these prices aren’t just going to go back down once companies see they can get people to pay this new, higher price.
Opinion | Why Trump’s Bullying Is Going to Backfire This article does a good job of explaining how quaint a notion of nation based tariffs are - given many things are creating in worldwide ecosystems spanning multiple countries.
For those still on Windows 10 (69% of you), you need to either upgrade (if your PC meets the requirements) or buy a new PC by October of this year.
Look at the bright side. At least they are only 10% tariffs instead of 35%. That could have really owned da libz with even higher taxes.
Well the old adage is if you want less of something, tax it. So yes, that pretty much is what will happen. Slightly less people will buy stuff that is now being taxed by the govt.
MAGA THFSG posters are not really inflation sensitive voters. They are own the lib voters. The “forgotten man and woman” middle class are in the shadows wondering when grocery prices will go down and real wages up.
Nothing is for free, which I think is what you are saying by the fine print. It’s a payment plan and the carriers will increase the monthly fee — a $100 increase over 24 months affects the lower-middle class.
Hate to tell the smart ass libbies this but…pssst, if you’re buying acer products, you’ve got even bigger life issues. Probably ought to cut back and get that extra therapy appointment.