They are going after the agencies that regulate them to clear the path for their sins of the past and their crimes of the future. Hope you aren't on that unlucky jet that catches that wayward unplanned rapid disassembly of the booster or have a well near their testing grounds or.... 15 different agencies were investigating or had convicted Musk related companies of violations of US laws. all magically swept away so he can pilfer the secrets of the us gubmnt. go team Elon Musk’s Companies Were Under Investigation by Five Inspectors General When the Trump Administration Fired Them and Made Musk the Investigator Here are all the agencies that Elon Musk and DOGE have been trying to dismantle so far - ABC News 2025.02.13_fact_sheet_re_musk_investigations.pdf
Looks like Musk got a return on his $277 million investment. Make no mistake about it Donald Trump is the best president in American history that money can buy and there isn't a remotely close second. Elon Musk spends $277 million to back Trump and Republican candidates
As long a MAGA hold the majority. He is almost certainly going to be indicted as soon as there is a Dem administration for accessing government data that he has no business and no legal right for accessing. Further, once the first persons private information starts showing up on Twitter and/or the dark web I hope the civil suits that pile up against this lionizer of European Fascist regimes and evil Austrian hate mongering bigots bankrupts him and wrecks his companies.
If you really cared about it he would want them to start in the White House. Start with the one who's been found liable numerous times of defrauding people
like I said he won't matter to you what they find it merely matters who is finding it you huys keep defending the indefensible
This is the guy they think is going to cleanup Washington lol Judge Says Trump Must Pay $2 Million Over Misuse Of Foundation Funds Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university' Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'
with you trump followers you blindly believe any cryptic X post without any knowledge of the issue, or confirmation of the claims.
Doge is an assault on bureaucracy, not democracy. For the life of me, I cannot understand the people who attack Elon. If you were going to attack him, you should have done it years ago when the taxpayers funded the credits for his electric cars. I do not align with everything Elon is about, but I appreciate how he is hitting our debt in a different way.
Do you honestly believe anything he says? He has provided evidence of little to nothing to support any of his allegations. Is it possible there was data entry error on birthdates of .00000000000001% of the entries. Yes. Did we need to give clearance to copy and export all of that information to a drug addict and his hacktivist brethren? Seriously. Think about what you would say if that was Soros and his minions or Bloomberg and a hit squad targeting private prisons and gun rights and religious tax exemptions. There would be blood in DC.
Yeah! If you were going to attack Elon, you should have done it before he. ..... paid $288 million to buy insane unchecked and illegal political access, then repeatedly lied in public about cutting govt, and publicly defamed numerous quality people. Nothing's changed with him from before! Also, if you were going to criticize OJ Simpson, you should have done it before he cut two people's heads off with a knife. It's too late now! Definitely. I too appreciate counterproductive scattershot job cuts mixed in with a healthy amount of defaming people and public outright lying.
Why do you seem to mention me so much? You're like my own little pet cyber-stalker. Kinda flattering, but it seems a little ............. unhinged.
The most recent example of Musk's bought and paid for Federal government. Exclusive: FDA staff reviewing Musk’s Neuralink were included in DOGE employee firings, sources say Kind of like a criminal being able to fire the law enforcement officers that are investigating him.
I would be willing to bet that you have no knowledge about those cases or the relevant case law. Heck, you don't even seemingly know that the second case on there was a federal case not in the state of New York. Which raises the question: what motivates you to declare it "BS?" Is it because of the feelings it causes you?
I am sure there is misinformation being put out by both sides- it is the new way to try and discredit each other- a lot will be found via this audit- I doubt the left will accept it no matter what- I personally hope it is a lot and do not care who goes down because of it