Discussion in 'Nuttin but Net' started by gatordavisl, Feb 16, 2025.
Ha! Ya beat me to it.
UF 84 OU 63 Clayton 11
84-61 UF Clayton 14
UF 100 Sooners 79 offensive explosion!
UF 78 OK 68 MVG Richard SOG 11
Hey, how's the new baby doing?
UF 92 Sooners 77 MVG: Walter SOG 10
UF: 95 Okla: 71 MVG: Clayton Jr SOG: 14
UF 88 OU 72 MVG Clayton SOG 15
UF 90 OU 72 MvG Hough SoG 14
UF 86 Ok 71 MVG Clayton SOG 15
87 71 Denzel 14
I have to jump in on this one: Florida 99 OU 67 Clayton 12
Gators 90 Sooners 73 Mvg Richard Sog 15
Gators: 89 Sooners: 73 MVG: Haugh SoG: 17
Gators 90 Okla choke-la 71 MVG Haugh SOG 22
Bazza...can't believe you Price is Right me???!!!
Nailed the Gator score!