Sidenote: it has been estimated that it would take $100 billion just to bring the NYC subway up to THIRD WORLD standards. This is America’s principal city.
Why are you trying to have normal conversations with clueless dorks who have no intention of reciprocating? Get ready for some more bullet points!
If my post violates the 4 paragraph rule wouldn't the following post also violate it. I see these bullet point posts quite often didn't realize it was a rule violation.
Many liberals use the pejorative term "racist" because they like to name-call and pretend they are morally superior to their opponents. When have any of them given a proper definition for "racist"? If you're a smart person and you notice general group differences (on average) and you think truth is better than lies, ignorance and wishful thinking, you'll be called a racist. If you believe group outcomess differ because of white institutional racism you're one of the good people. Note that the same people who claim there are no average group differences in intelligence or criminality would be the first to say blacks are superior to whites and Asians in many ways. Run faster, jump higher, better singers/dancers etc. ,There are average group differences but people should be evaluated on an individual basis. Didn't all the posters on the thread about different dog breeds recognize differences in personality, aggressiveness , intelligence, ability to get along with a family? How are people and dogs different? Are the sexes the same when it comes to criminality? Why are there almost 9 men in prison for every woman? Institutional sexism? Or could it be that men have higher levels of testosterone. What race has the highest testosterone levels on average? Which has the lowest? Is that why black men are seen as the most masculine and Asian women are seen as generally quite feminine? Aren't Asian men seen as the least masculine? Albert Einstein thought so. Asians have larger brains than whites on average. Doesn't that help explain why they outperform whites on the SAT? If you:'te going to call people "racist" you should give a definition for the word.
I think everyone believes in group differences. I'v read that blacks are the most self-confident group. I think I should leave it at that. I was given a warning Saturday. A poster thought I was a ",domestic threat" because I thought the US should be friends with Russia. I suggested the poster should not engage with me because he wasn't a genius like me. I listed the only 2 lib posters who I thought could hang with me. I was told that this was an insult to the rest of the board. To the rest of the board I now proclaim that you are all geniuses too. My feeling is the if people are going to call me names I should be able to give them a little somethings back. Usually I ignore it or just say something factual.
Early in the war a certain prominent poster threatened to report me to the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. Still waiting for black Chevy Tahoes in my driveway.
I just remembered that a poster sent me a message last Fall saying he had reported me to the FBI. Name starts with a w. Not a prominent poster on this board.
Also: in the context of general derision at my suggestion that this was a U.S. proxy war one poster demanded I be silenced because we were at war. LOL
Unbelievable. And they think we're the authoritarians. It's sad that for most people once they get on the stupid train they can't get off.