Margaret Brennan while interviewing Marco Rubio said that "Well, he [VP JD Vance] was standing in a country where free speech was weaponized to conduct a genocide. And he met with the head of a political party that has far right views and some historic ties to extreme groups. The context of that was changing the tone of it. And you know that, that the censorship was specifically about the right." Rubio strongly disagreed, as he should have. Hey, folks, the NAZI's SHUT DOWN free speech, burning books, etc. We've heard countless tales of the MSM demise - not having a clue about a historical reference you're using is a horrible take for a journalist. Those who have an objective view of what's going on understand that this is no longer journalism - it's advocacy and why most Americans are not buying what they're selling any mo' Full transcript of "Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan," Feb. 16, 2025 - CBS News
Not sure what she's trying to say, or what OP is trying to say. But Vance was there on behalf of the Trump Administration to advance right-wing white nationalist groups that are ......umm.. ...... very similar to that "strange forbidden European group" ... from 80-90 year ago that we're not supposed to reference here. In other words, Vance was there on behalf of the absolute scumbags that support Trump, and that Trump empowers and emboldens. And OP voted for that. Congrats, I guess.
Brennan was arguing AGAINST free speech - saying that free speech was used by the NAZIs to conquer Germany and do their evil. Clueless. Advocacy folks who hate Trump are looking rather foolish when he promotes free speech and limiting waste, fraud, abuse in the government - And, they protest against him!!! If Trump is for it = it must be bad. Let's protest! But, we know these are the "most educated" (indoctrinated) of us.
Thanks for clearing that up. Your advocacy for truth and righteousness is truly inspirational. I'm awed by how you take such offense to a perhaps confused or misdirected relatively powerless journalist. Now do those people you voted for who are over in Europe advocating for and empowering white nationalists, using abusing the authority of the US government.
I'm not about to defend Vance's support (and Trump's and Musk's) support for the AfG. That doesn't excuse Brennan for seemingly trying to disparage free speech because it was used by the Nazi's, or something like that.
Perhaps. But I'm more willing to listen to criticism of Brennan anyone from someone who's not a total hypocrite.
Easy enough to criticize Brennan. But kind of a ridiculous stretch to turn that into a general blasting of those who oppose Trump.
It’s a “general” blasting of advocacy folks who hate Trump and oppose him on that alone. Very specific actually, nothing about those who oppose Trump due to policy
Bullshit. As if you can pretend to isolate it as an outlier, when the Left's True North has been defined as opposite Trump for damn near 10 years, going back to the glide down the escalator. Ysll literally wait for DJT to commit to a direction, to decide the opposite is therefore righteous and virtuous.
Stated above: "Trump was promoting free speech when he banned the AP because they didn’t use his made up name?" Please provide the link wherein Trump made the AP unable to publish and shut down operations. If you cannot, please rephrase your hyperbole.
Dan Rather ruined a great career by lying about GWBush...20 years later, same ole, same ole from CBS. Not much "progress" from a progressive POV.
The claim you quoted wasn’t that he “made them unable to publish and shut down operations”. The claim was that he banned them in retaliation, which he did. Strawman, then demanding others retract “hyperbole”. Noice.
How many hundreds of millions did they have to pay for intentionally lying? Same old MAGA ...wilfully ignorant
So GC wouldn't be negativity impacted if they were excluded from campus. Some really stupid things said here