Of course, liberals are ok with Social Security paying over 10,000,000 people social security over the age of 120. The oldest person alive is 116. Democrats believe Elon Musk is so evil. How can Democrats justify this one?
That would be an interesting find if true, somehow being Elon I doubt it it’s that straightforward or obvious. https://apnews.com/article/social-s...y-trump-doge-cc46365b82a32038123576502977dd26 Reading this, SSA has been cleaning up their database with the “full death master file” since 2021. So doesn’t sound like this is some new thing. I think the problem here is that some # may indeed be fraud, and some # would have some legit explanation (such as a younger 100 year old spouse or dependent receiving legit survivor benefit from their long decreased 120 year old “vampire”). I know we don’t think much of govt workers, but I think even some of them know how to sort a database. The problem is they need to actually investigate each of those cases to see what’s going on. According to this article they’ve already saved at least $31 million and expect to save $215 between 2023 and 2026.
Of course a liberal burying his head in the sand and justifying mass fraud. You must love paying 40-50% of your hard earned money.
You’ll have to point out where i “justified” anything. I’m just pointing out that lord elron is likely misleading again. I think anyone stealing SS should be locked up, that includes those engaging in disability fraud. I just found it amusing someone would sort a database and be like … “aha, busted!” like nobody thought of that before.
If it’s true, then the system is screwing up and needs to be fixed. But given Musk’s history … Musk claims there are 150-year-olds receiving Social Security benefits
OMG, tHiS iS CrAzY !!! (if true) But we can be sure Elon Musk doesn't just publicly lie because the Trump cult will accept it. And if he did, he'd promptly correct his lies. Also Trumpies here don't regularly post lies and outright dishonest headlines, then just leave when called out. Oh, wait......
Oh, hey. Speaking of creating dishonest threads with lying headlines, then just scurrying away when called out ...... OP, did you want to say anything about this one? $50,000,000 in condoms stopped by the Trump administration
The last person receiving civil war benefits didn’t die until in 2020. 155 years after the war. Irene Triplett, last Civil War pensioner who got $73 monthly, dies So I’d opine a decent # of those type situations. That’s why just drawing from a database is pretty useless, other than as a starting point to dig deeper.
Or having some basic knowledge of the data one stole illegally, or having that knowledge and misrepresenting it.
Not aware of any left leaning here who would be against a review of the SSA process. A professional government auditor might need to reassess their analytical review proceedures. Two things come to mind: a) survivor benefits might be tied to the individual who earned the social security and b) likely people collecting SS also during the years 2017-2020.
Anna Nicole Smith married an 89-year old man when she was 26 ... that type of situation, while not common, means if she had lived to 100, he'd be collecting benefits until he was about 165. Also, children can collect their dead parents SS if they were permanently disabled as a child or young adult. That probably accounts for most of the 100+ year olds still getting benefits. There have to be millions of people who qualify for that. My guess is in the end, some fraud will be found, some data entry mistakes will be found, and 99.9%+ of SS payments are legit, and this will save America very little.
Apparently Elon has never heard of survivor benefits. I’m all for cleaning up fraud. Let’s just not tweet about it in the bottom of the first inning without correct context solely to make political hackery out of it. That’s not a legitimate “audit”‘, that’s just spewing more partisan garbage for people like the OP who live in right wing rabbit holes. Do a real audit, report real results, like every other audit in history until this “audit”.
And every one of those over 110 years of age voted democrat at least once in each the last five presidential elections. I suspect some voted multiple times in each election.
Ino order to avoid confusion, why can't we switch the name of the beneficiary from the person who died to the spouse receiving the benefits? So it would look like Anna Nicole Smith is the beneficiary.
There have been stories of adult children stuffing their dead parents (or spouses) in freezers and continuing to collect on their benefits. I’m sure it happens, but something like that would be extremely rare. That is fraud and those people should obviously go to prison or the looney bin. Sebastian woman hid body of mother in freezer for her Social Security
He probably thought that was clever, but in reality it’s just showing he’s been meme brained to the point logical thought functions get interrupted by memes. The social media damaged brain, I suspect in time those who study such things will find it similar to the brains of junkies or athletes who have been concussed way too many times.
That might have better optics, but probably not the best way to do it from a data management perspective. A person like Anna Nicole Smith would have the option to discontinue her dead husband's benefits and collect her own if she has made it to 62, so I'd think those records have to be kept and accounted for separately. The optics only matters when someone starts tweeting half truths to drive outrage. Had Musk explained in his tweets that "most of these are probably legit death benefits" then it would have provided people with a better picture ... but instead, he's looking for headlines and sheep to repost and retweet him.