I guess it has to be explained again for thick skulls but a lot of new voters are registering as NPAs and they are NOT registering to vote republican.
Duh! I'm bolding what I bring in from the articles since you refuse to open links provided to read for yourself.
This is very interesting data to me not only because it seemingly helps Trump, but I would say all of us would have to agree that these recent stats in PA are indicative of who's got the ground game, right? Which translates to turn out, I would presume. I'm a little pleasantly surprised by these recent numbers, because I have to think a lot of these registrations are at the urging of the GOP surrogates in PA. The Dems are trying to do the same, but it appears they're being outworked. How that plays out in the final vote tally, we shall see. I wonder if there is any comparison data @ETGator1 can pull of other states in past elections that were true toss-ups going in and final vote tally correlated with registrant advantage heading in. I would presume there has to be some correlation, but I'm not an expert in that area.
Highlighted at the Trump Butler Rally was a young fellow named Scott Pressler. He has been working Pennsylvania hard. He also put a spotlight on the Pennsylvania Department of State which was going to shutdown registrations during the Trump rally to do maintenance. They changed course and ended up doing the maintenance in overnight as they likely always do. The republican advantage in registrations has been going up every week. The difference is more pronounced this week likely due to the Butler Rally. I don't think we've seen the full benefits of the rally as of this morning which means there will likely be big jumps to the plus side over the next 2 weeks. I was originally making difference projections in the mid 330Ks by 10/21, but I'm thinking a number less than 310K now. It's looking more and more like republicans will be the majority party by the 2026 midterms.
And early voting in PA has begun, so we can assume many of these new registrants are doing the same. Just playing devil's advocate here and I can't think of anything other than GOP is doing a better job of turning out new registration which can't be a good sign if you're Team Harris.
Voter registration, confirming already registered voter registrations, and getting out the vote was a major production prior to Trump speaking. Elon Musk was invited up by Trump to speak. He was like a broken record, confirm your registration, register if you haven't, and not only vote but get all your friends and relatives out to vote. Elon said he was serious in saying that 2024 may be the last presidential election if Kamala Harris wins. Musk also put freedom of speech and censorship on the ballot. He said you can't have a democracy without freedom of speech and the second amendment to protect the 1st amendment. Scott Pressler's message was similar to Musk's except he didn't come out and say he was worried this would be the US last presidential election. Pressler challenged all gun owners to get out and vote as nothing is more important than voting at this time. Apparently, gun owners don't vote in high numbers. Trump said any Christian or Jew who votes democrat has to be an idiot.
Is this because of dictator Biden? You are not serious people. How any of you have any input in our government, even so much as commenting on it, is simply shocking. LOL. Well if the lying, rapist felon said......
Useless thread without new NPA registrations. Dems have the lead in early mail voting in PA which is to be expected.
Final update on Pennsylvania Voter Registrations: currentvotestats.xls Voter Registrations by Party through October 21, 2024 - Today is the last day to register for the November 5, 2024 national election: Democrats 3,971,607 Republicans 3,673,783 Difference 297,824 Republican Favored One-Week Difference 14,901 Registrations for the election are closed. The republicans closed on a roll with momentum. The momentum has also been showing in the most current polling. Voter Registrations by Party through October 14, 2024: Democrats 3,958,835 Republicans 3,646,110 Difference 312,725 Republican Favored One-Week Difference 12,760 10/21 Projected Difference 299,965 Momentum with 1 week until registrations close on 10/21 for the 2024 election on November 5 continues on the side of the republicans and continues to accelerate. The one-week difference ending on 10/14 was the highest it has been in the republican's favor. Voter Registrations by Party through September 30, 2024: Democrats 3,941,347 Republicans 3,608,032 Difference 333,315 Republican Favored One-Week Difference 5,081 10/21 Projected Difference 318,072
Final Update on Florida Voter Registrations Before 2024 Elections: Voter Registration - By Party Affiliation - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State As of 12/31/2023: Republicans 5,141,848 Democrats 4,362,147 Difference 779,701 As of May 31, 2024: Republicans 5,227,223 Democrats 4,296,552 Difference 930,671 As of June 30, 2024: Republicans 5,257,407 Democrats 4,300,964 Difference 956,433 As of July 31, 2024 Republicans 5,324,654 Democrats 4,327,859 Difference 996,795 As of August 31, 2024 Republicans 5,385,554 Democrats 4.359,354 Difference 1,026,200 Final Report Before Election: Voter Registration - By Party Affiliation - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State As of September 30, 2024 Republicans 5,455,480 Democrats 4,400,561 Difference 1,054,919 Republican projected difference through the October 7, 2024 registration deadline to vote in the national election, 1,061,620.
It would just make sense that GOP registration growing at that clip right into an upcoming election would spell trouble for a Democrat, but until the votes are counted, we truly don't know. But yeah, I'd say the likelihood of a person registering GOP in the past month and not voting for Trump or not voting at all is pretty slim to none.
One would have thought the republican voter registrations onslaught on Pennsylvania would have slowed down after the 10/21 deadline to register to vote for the 2024 presidential election. That did not happen as the shift to republicans continued at an even faster pace: Voter Registrations by Party through 10/28/2024: Democrats 3,991,381 Republicans 3,710,290 Difference 281,091 Republican Favored One-Week Difference 16,733 If this acceleration continues over the next 2 years in favor of the republicans, Pennsylvania will be a red state by the 2026 midterms.
The Big Blue Wall is no longer big, blue, or a wall. You can take Pennsylvania out of the wall now: Trump won the Pennsylvania by 2%. It's clear Pennsylvania independents broke for Trump. Mike McCormick is defeating incumbent Bob Casey Jr. for the US Senate. McCormick's lead has been running less that .50%, currently .46%/31,054 votes, so there may be a delay in declaring the winner as Pennsylvania law requires recounts of results of .50% and less. McCormick will have to go above .50% to avoid the recount. I'm confident this will be a state-wide race win for the republicans, something that hasn't happened in a few election cycles. I'm also confident the Pennsylvania voter registration trends will continue to favor republicans. Republicans could surpass democrats in Pennsylvania by midterms 2026, but certainly by the 2028 presidential election. I look forward to Pennsylvania becoming more like Ohio than Michigan and Wisconsin in voting. That day is coming as Pennsylvania voters have crumbled the largest part of the Big Blue Wall.
@ETGator1 congrats on your victory. I know we've had our back and for the majority of this election cycle, but credit where it is due.
Voter Registration - By Party Affiliation - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State As of 12/31/2023: Republicans 5,141,848 Democrats 4,362,147 Difference 779,701 As of May 31, 2024: Republicans 5,227,223 Democrats 4,296,552 Difference 930,671 As of June 30, 2024: Republicans 5,257,407 Democrats 4,300,964 Difference 956,433 As of July 31, 2024 Republicans 5,324,654 Democrats 4,327,859 Difference 996,795 As of August 31, 2024 Republicans 5,385,554 Democrats 4.359,354 Difference 1,026,200 As of September 30, 2024 Republicans 5,455,480 Democrats 4,400,561 Difference 1,054,919 As of October 31, 2024 Republicans 5,592,151 Democrats 4,480,006 Difference 1,112,145 The beat goes on with the republican domination of Florida. If anyone had thoughts that Florida was still a swing state or could be, the 2024 elections showed that not to be true beyond any doubt. The Free State of Florida is deep red. Independents for those who harbor thoughts they are suddenly going to stop voting with republicans in large numbers: 3,683,097. Good luck with your delusions.
Voter Registration - By Party Affiliation - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State Florida keeps getting redder and redder. Registrations by party on January 31, 2025: Data as of January 31, 2025. Republicans Democrats Minor No Party Total 5,643,100 4,463,592 431,269 3,709,462 14,247,423 October 31,2024 Republicans 5,592,151 Democrats 4,480,006 Difference 1,112,145 January 31, 2025 Republicans 5,643,100 Democrats 4,463,592 Difference 1,179,508 In 3 months, the edge of growth for republicans over democrats is 67,363, a monthly average of 22,454. This is continued growth in the difference since the election as registrations closed in October 2024 prior to the start of voting. I know what goes around eventually comes around, but this feels great here in the Free State of Florida.