LMAO! This thread should come with a warning label: Caution: Trumpgasm orgy in progress. Enter at your own peril!
most would agree. We need an independent review of these fraud claims. Not just because Musk said so on X, backed up by his team of 19 yr old & young new hires-some with unethical backgrounds. Musk is far from independent - both his political ideology and financial interests. Most people (everyday Americans vs congress) would support a deep audit to eliminate waste for all government entities. Then as needed orderly layoffs or buyouts. The ROI on that approach would be well worth it. Instead, Trump let Musk shut usaid down, immediately. Without fully understanding the department’s scope or implications of closing it. Now musk is trying to justifying it after the fact. Meanwhile people/children will soon die without that aid.
And in this thread Trumpy liars get to repeat Elmo Musk's lies as if they were truth, and as if the lie repeaters know anything about the subject. Also; "Herrr, derrr ....... we needed to cancel all US aid because, well ..... we're really looking at things. There was just no way to take a reasonable approach to this! Also, Elon Musk told me that only 11 cents of every aid dollar reaches its recipient. And I really believe him!!" Where do we actually live that shameless lying like this is tolerated? Oh, yeah. Somewhere that elected Donald Trump.
Trump and Musk both "reign," in corruption. You actually made a very funny, if unintentional, pun. I think you meant "reining."