The straw man chimes in. FAQs and Links | Milo's Be Straw Free Campaign Plastics contain more than 16,000 chemicals, with over 3,200 known to cause cancer Why Plastic Straws are Bad for our Environment
I use an igloo style mug with a plastic straw. I probably use the same straw a couple of months before replacing it. I don't think I am destroying the environment with my straws.
The average American eats fast food 3x a week. That alone is something like 100,000,000 straws. Throw in stuff like Starbucks and juice boxes for kids and 500,000,000 it doesn’t seem too outlandish. Sounds to me paper straws have their own issues, so i don’t think it’s a bad idea to rescind the paper straws (esp assuming it applies only to govt procurement). But of course w/ Trump it’s not about right or wrong or the concerns with paper straws, it’s pure culture war fodder.