Trump owning the libs better than I believed he ever could. Wow. The country says he’s energetic. Dems wish they could find a candidate with a pulse right about now. CBS News poll — Trump has positive approval amid "energetic" opening weeks; seen as doing what he promised - CBS News
Every time the Dems talk about democracy you can simply substitute in the word bureaucracy in its place, then it makes perfect sense... it's far more accurate. Trump and Musk are killing the Dems bureaucracy, and I love it.
not sure it’s considered a “soar” as trump is already underwater. Pew Research… “Overall, 47% of U.S. adults approve of how Trump is handling his job as president, while 51% say they disapprove. And most of these views are strongly held: 37% strongly approve of his performance, while 40% strongly disapprove” 1. Trump’s second term: Early ratings and expectations
At 53% he is off to the one of worst starts of any modern president after [checks notes] himself. lol. Self owning is a core skill of the right.
“Many say he's doing more than they expected — and of those who say this, most like what they see. Very few think he's doing less.” This is pretty amazing actually.
Democrats look like Kansas City as they fell behind 40-6 to the Eagles. Democrat Mark Halperin says the Democrats are't even on the field. The good news for the Democrats is the economy looks to be in terrible shape with many bank failures possible.
Why stop with owning libs? Trump owns the executive branch, he owns the legislative branch, and, as Vance has already publicly hinted, Trump will soon own the judicial branch by telling judges what they can do with their rulings.
100% he is owning the libs on this board. Can’t find a single post on the front page about a Dem that is stepping up to the plate and any ideas for America. In fact, I did a Google search and it was like 2 weeks ago WoPo published a story that was probably read by 2 people.
He was woefully unprepared for the absolute deep state insurrection that he was a victim of in his first term. So, when he got re-elected, I had a much higher expectation for his second term as far as the people he surrounds himself with and with regard to his mandate to force his will. But even I am impressed with the speed and surgical crispness of attacking the core source of the problem. I had in the past said that if you cut off the money then that would be a good start, but not only is he doing that with speed and force, he's also finding the waste abuse and fraud at the same time. Last summer I posted an article about the fractal technology that can trace all the entanglements in NGO, 501(c)(3)'s and LLCs that the Dems love to use to hide their deep state activity through endless dummy corporations. They use these techniques to intertwine illegal foreign investment into our NGOs and 501(c)(3)s to look like they are all part of legitimate American donations, making it almost impossible to trace... until that fractal technology that I posted a link to written in the Gateway Pundit website last summer. That is what Elon and his team are using to find all these financial and money irregularities, in places like USAID and other government agencies, that the Dems have been hiding all fraud waste and abuse for decades. That's taxpayer money that these Dems have been illegally doling out to their personal pet projects without the full open knowledge and transparency that Elon is bringing to We The People. The great grift is now reaveled. This is well worth the 5 minute read below. OVERRIDE
That FEMA director illegally paid over $59 million to house illegal aliens in New York. Justice will be served...