Korbe Otis singles to left field on a 1-2 pitch and on the throw to the infield, Otis takes 2nd. Taylor can't score on the play, holding at 3rd.
Jocelyn Erickson hits a hard grounder that goes off the glove of the second baseman that's ruled as an error. Both runners score. 2-0 Gators.
Kenleigh Cahalan singles to centerfield, Erickson tries to score from 1st and beats the throw, Cahalan takes 2nd. 3-0 Gators.
Mia Williams, hitting .533 starting this AB, singles down the lf line, driving in Cahalan. 4-0 Gators. Mia is ON FIRE!!!!
If there’s one thing my wife and daughter have learned about softball it is “Runrule”. They are already getting excited!
I remember reading something about - if the fence is not at least 200 ft then the fence has to be a certain height. I think USF's foul lines are 190 ft. I think.
This announcer thinks Odessa is an hour south of Tampa and that Jason Williams was on our title teams. He’s making as many errors as the bulls are.