Go look how many young people are going into labor intensive jobs. You will see the trend. Additionally, any new tech is thought to reduce workforce but I argue it generates new jobs, industries and opportunities for employment.
Really? Why is this surprising? This is pretty much who the Rs have been all my life. Trump is just more brazen about it and the open grifting. Remember, this is the party of JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Carnegie, etc.
What a whiney bitch of a complaint. Who blames the current generation of Germans for WWII or the Holocaust? Answer: No one in their right mind. What a weird thing to nail yourself to the cross over.
Well, they bought the thing to get attention. And now they're complaining that they're getting it? Who cares. They're idiots.
She's right. It will! I'm just like her. Suspicious to start, as soon as it started acting goofy, I'm out. Know this SOB is going to let me down at the absolute worst possible moment and what follows will be a gynormous pain in the ass.
This is mostly due to Australia allowing cheap Chinese EVs in the country which have proven to be surprisingly good.
That’s still a long ways off. The physical ability of the robots is quite nice but they’re a gimmick right now. At a recent event they were controlled by a human with VR googles.
You may want to research them a bit more. They aren’t a long ways off. They are already working in Tesla factories.
All of these predictions of impending doom for Elon Musk were conveniently posted in a new thread. There is an older thread with two years worth of predictions of impending doom made as Elon’s net worth doubled in that short period of time. I’d argue the threads should be merged: Elon Cleaning House
Yes, two test units in a single factory. They’re working on getting them to perform basic repetitive tasks, nothing like they tried to portray at the event where humans were operating them to make them do complex tasks and conversation. Other companies have robots just as far along (unitree and Boston dynamics to name a couple). Tesla, on the other hand, has proven it can manufacture at scale so it has that strongly in its favor.
Agree. Boston dynamics robots that they showed doing flips and stuff cost over a million bucks. Tesla will get the humanoids down to 25-30k. First step will be leasing them to companies for use before they are offered to the public.
Saw a thing about Ford’s CEO who I guess had a months long test drive of a Chinese EV. He said he didn’t want to give it up. Interesting thing to say from a CEO in the same space, esp considering their Mustang EV and Lightning EV seem like solid enough products. But he called their tech “10 years ahead”. Ford CEO Loves Daily Driving an EV Sedan from a Chinese Competitor Ford Chief Says China Leads US By 10 Years In EV Batteries, Needs Their IP | Carscoops
Interesting the picture they selected for that post - click above. At least it wasn't his arm gesture or whatever that received the negative blowback. Tesla 4th qtr sales were decent, up 2% YOY but under expectations. 1st qtr\25 will be telling. The typical buyers seem to be non-maga or will maga start buying EVs? Maybe there are enough apolitical types to keep it going. The stock had a strong 4th qtr. But dropped off over the last month. (S&P 500 up roughly 2% during this period) Tesla stock....
Yeah, it started as purely a research project so it is really expensive. However, they have a new generation of the Atlas robot that is all electric and has super mobility. It’s really impressive, but no word on what it would cost. The unitree is only $16k for the entry model.