But what I like about her approach at the plate is - she doesn't feel the need to swing at just anything. She has the patience to take four balls.
Seems like they just threw a Gator fan out. ISU accusing him of threats I guess. What the heck. Somebody yelled game over and everyone said, nooooo!!!!
Busch Gardens letting off fireworks. Feel like we’re n a war zone. Schumacher just smoked one down 3rd base bag and then stole 2nd. Rick was right she’s going all oppo.
Otis just scorched a foul ball at Coach Walton that had to of scared the crap out of him. Pitching change. Bases full of Gators and no out
Jocey just hit a foul down third that hit the fence just foul. Would have cleared bases. On next pitch she grounded out scoring one then and Walsh grounded out and scored one. Followed by another ball crushed by Cahalan
6-0 end of 4. I believe it was Barnard who hit one that I thought was a homerun but caught against fence for last out, hit well
What’s the health status of Oxley? Probably more excited of her pitches that anyone else, to be honest
She can go right field when she gets a pitch to pull. I've seen it many times. Her approach is to simply drive the ball wherever it is pitched.