Consumer inflation fears spike in February as tariff worries hit sentiment A new survey of average joe regular American consumers shows inconsolable fears that Donny is leading the nation down the toilet. The top concern is inflation caused by Trump's incompetent mishandling of the economy. Specifically, the survey shows a jump in inflation expectations so high that it's only been seen 5 times in the history of the report. Consumers expect the declining inflation Donny inherited to reverse, and climb to 4.3% in Donny's first year, then not come down much over the next 5 years. That would probably make Donny's second term even worse than his first, if you can imagine how awful that would be.
Apparently, according to that poll, everyone is “listening”. Their expectation for inflation is quite a bit higher. Especially as that was a top concern of the public and one of Dear Leader’s top campaign promises.
Everyone expected rates to lower this year. They did not and won't. Everyone expected Trump to start fixing things. He hasn't yet and based on the first few weeks of Project 2025, the markets are not as well. Housing is *******. Enough said. Tech layoffs are becoming more common and return to office in the federal govt and across industries are going to reduce savings and increase consumer debt.