Yet, the article led with that. It didn’t mention any cost savings to commercial shippers (not that “asserting dominance” to get cheaper shipping is desirable policy). I’m just fascinated by how quickly MAGA pivoted from “we are not the worlds police to protect globalist trade routes” to “dude… do you know how much money this global dominance is going to save us!?”.
Those of us who are familiar with the facts understand that: a) there is a pre-existing treaty which lays out the terms at the Canal b) this isn't about global trade routes. This is a national security issue. c) hence we're not really talking about a mere $3 million a year
Oh. So you realized it’s dailywire is not “lamestream media”. Delete post. Quickily make 3 nonsensical talking points about how much better it really is than $3 million. Nice try. “Those of us who know facts”. Reality check. It’s a good thing we got Panama to end the Silk Road agreement. No, it wasn’t an imminent “national security threat” nor was Panama likely violating any treaty, and if it is imminent to stop Chinese activities in Latin America then whatever we are doing to USAID cedes the soft power battle to more Chinese expansion. As I said earlier in this thread (or perhaps another), if China having port operations in Panama is a “national security issue” you may want to investigate how many are operated around the world including the U.S.
"Around the world" isn't the most consequential passage way in our hemisphere which we happened to build, give tens of thousands of American lives for and oh yeah, there's a treaty in place. But, nice try. Those of us who know the facts understand this. Apparently, you are incapable of understanding, because it's been explained to you multiple times now and you still don't seem to get it.
I mean, literally at the Port of Los Angeles. 4 in Mexico (found your Fentanyl smuggling path). Houston, Seattle. The problem is you believe China had or has some ability to take over imminent control of the canal. That “ports” means they control the traffic. That is false. And now you probably think Trump completely evicted them. It’s of course correct to be concerned over the general idea of malign “Chinese influence”. Citing national security is a reach given there is no evidence China could take the canal. Nor is there evidence Panama violated their treaty in any way. Their obligation is to be neutral at letting ships through. The port is for loading and cargo. Those Chinese ports I’m guessing aren’t going anywhere, maybe the Panamanians limit them to 1 and some other operator moves in the other (given the apparent concern they operate ports at “both ends” of the canal and they have additional investments pending). I don’t think it’s wrong to remind Panama who their friends are, threatening to invade Panama on a false pretense… eh.
And he'll never back up a single one with anything other than baseless hyperbole. He should probably just change his screen name to "Baseless Hyperbole".
No, "the problem" is he can only engage in rhetoric. You'll get a similarly evasive and nonsensical reply to this as the other posts. This dude is a bad actor, which is why anything above an 8th-Grade insult contest is lost to him.
What can I say, guess I’m a masochist. You have to give ok some credit. Sure he’s too confident in what he thinks he knows vs what he thinks you don’t know. But… at least his words are coherent and he makes points to argue when he isn’t trolling. That alone is better than 90% of ‘em. There are other posters where I might question their ability to tie their own shoes.
Unsurprisingly, this appears to be false.
used to say anther day, another lie..way more than one per day these days yet the believers still believe
Hoe can you get a 'disagree' rating when you posted a news article from an extremely credible source, with no counterpoint? It's like Trumpies are so emboldened by their Criminal Daddy's disregard for the law that they are applying that to other things. Like the norms of discourse, such as trying to reasonably substantiate your point, when disagreeing. Or recognizing that facts are real. What is next, they deny gravity .... because their felon is doing such a great job owning da libz breaking the law and shattering the integrity of our country?
I had such hope for Marco to make Gators look good. Keep trying scooter. Keep trying. “US Secretary of State Marco Rubio has walked back the State Department’s assertion that Panama “has agreed to no longer charge fees” to US government vessels transiting the Panama Canal after an outcry from the Panamanian government. On Thursday, Rubio said that the US “expects” Panama to remove the fees, but acknowledged that “Panama has a process of laws and procedures that they need to follow as it relates to the Panamanian port.”
Dude is already lying for the Trump. Color me surprised. And I had such high hopes for Little Marco totally expected this from yet another Trump sycophant.
We can disagree. Anyone that would agree to work for the Trump is a lickspittle, criminal-enabling lackey. IMO.