Solid hire. As far as the OC/DC/ST stuff that some of you are constantly whining about, you guys worry wayyyyyyyy too much about job titles.
No, not really. We are bringing in "Co DCs" where our current D coaches aren't being promoted. I dunno, were I one of them, I might wonder wth my boss is thinking.
Now you can write up another essay about overhearing Bala and Sunseri talking to Roberts on the sideline
I think it's been mentioned that it only has to do with movement and buyouts with contracts. I think it's just titles and it doesn't mean anything.
Wanne, I keep hearing that with the "unlimited" number of assistant coaches that teams can now hire, that for reasons of "pay scale", they stick these "titles" on the new hires in order to pay them. At least that is what the "podders" are saying.
We all hope it means little to the current staff, but I would bet it does. Would like to know if new hires are paid as much or more than the guys that helped produce the relative success we enjoyed last season.
Now, imagine what it must be like to keep 85 players accepting and satisfied with how the money is distributed