If the price of eggs wasn't enough..think a few people got a few phone calls when the reality of it all like this hit the street?? I'm sure it was just one of many notices that were sent out. MAGA are so blind for thinking that djt won anything. commitments made by Mexico and Canada to the Biden administration and negotiated by Kamala were reaffirmed. all he did is create uncertainty. you know what business REALLY hates. uncertainty, it creates inefficiency wake up MAGA..he's still lying to you Price Hike Gets Reversed in Six Hours on Trump Tariff Flip-Flop On Monday morning, a major US grocery wholesaler sent out a warning to the 1,100 American retailers it sells to: Get ready to pay 25% more for meat, mushrooms, tomatoes and other goods from Mexico and Canada.
I also think Trump was surprised Canada and Mexico fought back after someone told him they wouldn’t. He was left with his only predictable option which was to retreat and regroup.
I said when the tariffs were first enacted that he would find a way to walk them back without losing face, and so it has come to pass. The "concessions," obtained from Mexico and Canada are the face-savers, of course.
Because it was all a show. Period. End of story. We got literally nothing. Canada and Mexico aren't doing anything they weren't doing before. As for Mexico, Great, leverage them for something that matters, like sending more troops to and securing their own border with Guatemala. But, as usual, purely symbolic so the Douche In Chief can beat his chest and his mindless sheep fanbase can "baa" their approval. What a loser. Way to just piss the leverage down the drain for a typically MAGA, typically symbolic gesture. Even when they're on to something, MAGA's approach is so mindless and stupid as to make it worse than the alternative or, as is the case here, purely symbolic but utterly meaningless.
Yeah, but isn't this offset by the fact Trump will literally tailor policy if the price is right? I mean, he isn't going to do anything meaningful to China. Not with that big stack of chips Elon, Tim, etc. have on China.
You know the election is over right? Even if MAGA wakes up, there isnt much that can done at this point.
The market collapsed and some of his rich donors likely called him telling him to figure a way out of this. So he talked with the Mexican and Canadian governments and got nothing but the ability to re-announce the things that they were already doing for the people who didn't know that those things were already happening. In terms of China, without the Mexican/Canadian tariffs, companies will easily avoid the tariffs as they have been doing for years. That is why the markets largely don't care on that front.
imo he didn’t think it thru. He was so infatuated with the idea HE could apply tariffs. Then reality of that decision hit - including a stock mkt drop which he values.
Trump comes across to me as a guy that too intellectually lazy to research and formulate conclusions on his own, so he listens to conspiracy theorists repeating what they say.
own it, call your senators and tell them they will not be primaried for opposing such nonsense. you should have started with the SOD nomination and be telling them that now for the jfk, gabbard, patel, nominees be screaming at your reps and senators about musk and his mini mes breaking multiple laws as they tramp through the digital controls of this country. post the mems on FB ridiculing these actions. if you disagree with it, be as vocal as you were in your disagreement with Biden or Harris.
Plus, he's not going to do anything. He owes Musk 1/4 Billion. Who knows how big a check Tim Cook wrote. And both of them have huge stacks of chips on China. Do the math. Trump has no principals and his fanbase lacks the brainpower to challenge him on anything.
You lefties are silly. This is all part of the plan. Avoiding tariffs that didnt occur is so much better than not having tariffs. Wise up or you will keep losing elections. Libs.
True. America screwed itself by giving control to a bunch of criminals. About all that's left is mocking the people that did this and actually believe (and worship) the criminals.
Adding that the "concessions" were negotiated by the Biden Administration before Trump even took office.
for the next 4 years you libs will be putting out one thing after another trying to say orange man bad. I highly doubt it will do anything to change what we believe to be true any more than anything we say will change your mind as to what you believe to be true- cannot help but laugh at some of you