Where were you on 9/13/22 when the dow droped 1200 points? How about 5/18/22, 12/18/24, 5/5/22, 8/5/24 and on and on? Or are you only concerned on Trump's watch?
Do you know who owns 8 out of the 9 largest stock market daily drops? I’ll give you a hint. It rhymes with massive dump.
You do understand that 7 of those 8 drops were during the peak of the fake covid scare of 2020 don't you? We were all wearing masks and in hiding at that time.
lol. You’ve gone off the deep end and posted 32 straight insults today…. plus started a “look at me” thread. I am sorry I broke you. You will be ok. Maybe if you insult a few more posters you will find fulfillment. I doubt it.
it's not that its just "on Trump's watch" but specifically because of what HE did, because of his specific edict. I anticipate he realized he screwed up and quickly backed into a 'deal'. But there aren't too many instances the market reacted like this after one action from the POTUS.
Drops happen for a variety of reasons and are expected to occur from time to time. Generally we should aspire to not shoot ourselves in the foot though. This drop was directly tied to Trump’s ludicrous tariffs which is why the market immediately reversed when he reversed stance.
During the what? Please explain. You do understand that you don't get to mischaracterize contemporary history to your liking? At least not with intelligent people. That would be about the same as telling outright lies.
Stay on subject; you referenced, and I asked about "fake covid scare of 2020." What do you mean by this? It seems pretty clear that you are trying to interject a falsehood into the conversation. Sorry, you don't get to do that. Nor do you get to scurry around changing the subject at will, in order to avoid owning up to the falsehood you are trying to purvey. Many people consider that the equivalent of lying. Let's try to be honest people, so can you explain what you meant?
108 already posted this in another thread but Laura Ingram... "I think Trump reacted to the negative response from the market".
On a roll this week. Did not think I would do anything but based on history felt good about a short term spx play... At 1:39 bought 7 spx calls for $4 and at 2:14 sold them for $6.30... that said they are now selling for $9.40
You guys continue to validate my post. The stock market LOVES that Trump did not implement his long-promised Tariffs. LOL. Trump has abandoned dealing with "unfair" traded deals he negotiated for announcements of previously announced moves. In essence Trump saw the crash and backed down like a Puss. You guys celebrate the repudiation of his policy by the market as a success. You crack me up.