I spoke about a Sovereign Wealth Fund, and how I wish we had one... now we do. Thank GOD for Donald John Trump.
Trump lives to perform even if his responses to questions border on the absurd. While I would agree that Biden ducked press conferences Trump has demonstrated that he lacks the ability to provide cogent well thought out answers from the press more so than any president in my lifetime. Although he is either unaware or doesn't really care he is essentially a laughingstock although members of the Cult of MAGA probably love it. It's not a stretch to say that there is little difference between the real Donald Trump and James Austin Johnson's portrayal of him on SNL.
She thought it was a good idea when I told her about it. I think it's a great idea when We The People get our elected government officials to work for us. I fail to see the socialism in the new Sovereign Wealth Fund. It's the government giving We The People wealth, not taking it. Tell me how socialism works in your opinion.
listen to the video in the op. They literally say they want the gov to confiscate wealth from the private sector for the people. so·cial·ism /ˈsōSHəˌliz(ə)m/ noun a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Confiscate wealth... maybe, but not from Americans. Think... tariffs. More tariffs are coming, and some of these tariffs will stay until these certain countries reciprocate on free trade with the U.S.A. As far as the Sovereign Wealth Fund goes, I hope it works much like the one that Norway has set up for its citizens.
before you added to your post, I was gonna say, I guess you also think tariffs don't confiscate $ from the American people. Q answered.
On the other hand, "Sleepy Joe" the cognitively diminished geriatric candidate beat him by a much larger margin in 2020.
I tried to find your praise for when Biden discussed forming a sovereign wealth fund but perhaps it was deleted on accident
A sovereign wealth fund is the epitome of socialism. It's the government owning wealth instead of individuals. Where do you think the wealth comes from? I see you say from tariffs in a later post, but tariffs are paid by individual Americans.
Are you sure you're not a socialist? Norway owns its oil production and uses the profits to support social programs. And that's what you want for the US? I don't totally disagree with the idea and it seems to work for Norway, though I don't think the US government should own oil companies like Norway does. But it's true socialism. Instead of private companies making oil profits, it's the Norwegian government. Instead of the government actually owning companies, a much easier way for us to accomplish what Norway has done would be to increase taxes on oil companies (and companies in other industries) and fund our social programs from that. I'm all for it. Sounds like you are too. Welcome to our side!