Somone has put tons of granular thought into this whole takeover when they are getting down to stripping any sort of data from the CDC that may somehow be involved in anything not approved by judeo christian values on sexuality. Is there some other link between the data sets beign scrubbed and what is the benefit of deleting them? Who put together these hit lists? Who is carrying them out? We all know that the skidmark isn't doing this. CDC's Advisers Demand Agency Provide Answers On Removal Of 'Critical' Health Data At the CDC, that has led to the removal of public datasets like the Youth Risk Factor Behavioral Surveillance System, which ― as the official CDC website formerly stated ― is “used by health departments, educators, lawmakers, doctors, and community organizations to inform school and community programs, communications campaigns, and other efforts.” Also gone from the CDC website is information about the Social Vulnerability Index, which officials use for disaster management planning, as well as AtlasPlus, where data on HIV, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases and tuberculosis could be accessed. All of that is in addition to the removal of other health information, like web pages for the public about PrEP, the antiviral medication to prevent HIV transmission. The removal of health information has provoked outrage from health researchers and officials across the country, among them members of the Advisory Committee to the CDC Director, which Congress created through federal law.
Seems right that deleting information and being less informed is a key focus of the current administration that said "if we stop testing right now we would have very few cases".