LOL! You are the one that supports a party that wants to legally allow the killing of the most innocent for convenience. Then ignorantly make a ridiculous claim that conservatives do not want to help children after they are born. The American Dream comment just makes no sense at all. Conservatism is the pillar that leads to it. It is quite obvious. I am living it. Conservatives are the last to discriminate. It is liberals that live their life defining and treating people differently because of who they are. But you keep believing what the msm feeds you. Propaganda is powerful for sure!
People who dream of leaving a harsh oppressive life, crossing deserts, swimming rivers, and climbing obstacles to come into a country to cut lettuce to build a better life for their families is called the American dream. I agree they should immigrate legally, and maybe if we would do more to speed up the process they wouldn’t be so desperate. The rest of you comment about conservatives and liberals is unadulterated nonsense and not worthy of debate.