And especially his mouthpiece Spiro Agnew who referred to the press as the "Nattering Nabobs of Negativism" one of Pat Buchanan's great lines.
Mine was for technical reasons, and Growl created my new username for me in an effort to deal with technical issues. Shab was banned if my memory is correct. False equivocation IMO.
I do dig the work you did on this, and the final product, but I'm not some banned poster of your fantasies. What actually makes you think that every poster on this board who kicks around you false conservative, false virtuous American sellouts is....... some *leftist* ghost from past times? If you look closely, pretty much every intelligent, informed poster on this board can hardly mask their disdain and disgust for MAGA. The only right-leaning poster who can and will debate anything is GatorBen, and he realizes he's either stepping onto unwinnable ground, or a defense of the grotesque, too promptly to put in much effort. You MAGAs are left with only GIFers, obfuscators and time wasters. Heck, even the conservative mods on this board are either anti-Trump or clearly so ashamed of their vote that they just leave discussions when confronted with it. Sure, there's one who's proud, but he doesn't even pretend to follow board rules. So what makes you think I'm the exception around here? I'm pretty much like anyone here who thinks rationally. Why must that be your lost boogeyman?
LOL at what you wrote in bold. You don’t debate people. Your interactions with me have been found out to be plagiarized from AI (twice), which is reason enough for any person on this board to avoid debating anything with you.
in Plan....I mean Contra's defense, I think when the 30 yo virgin scolded people for not having enough babies, it was a potentially juicy debatable topic.
I’m sorry but I just don’t buy this. It is a bogus talking point designed by Trump during his first run and term to cloth his propaganda and lies. Professional journalists are beholden to journalism and the story, not to a political party.
hahahahaha - what a total crock of mierde. 96+% of the media are democrats A tiny, shrinking percentage of American journalists are Republicans, study finds
When did HP get sued and have to pay 100's of millions for lying? When did they get support from our enemies like OAN? Keep trying to justify the unjustifiable. People once were led down a path to do evil things to other humans following that same logic.
In other news, people who acknowledge reality no longer identify as republican and gravity still works