to get through the upcoming dry season. what do you mean we can't just go get some more to make sure the crops don't die? who knew water management could be so hard the billions of gallons being released to pacify the big baby won't make it to southern california, it won't be captured and used by any other entity. it will flow out to the ocean and be wasted. this is who is making the you happy MAGA they would literally have to pump water uphill to be able for the water to get to southern cali and yet they were forced to release it and then knowingly misrepresent the value of the release...f'ing bloody brilliant.. 'Very dangerous': Trump dumps billions of gallons of water farmers were counting on for summer President Donald Trump recently ordered the release of massive amounts of water from two California dams, and now local farmers are scrambling to preserve precious freshwater resources needed for dry summer months. The Los Angeles Times reported Friday that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers — acting on Trump's orders — released water from the Terminus Dam at Lake Kaweah and the Schafer Dam at Lake Success, which are both in Tulare County in the San Joaquin Valley. Whereas water was originally flowing from the Terminus Dam at 57 cubic feet per second (cfs), it's now reportedly flowing at more than 1,500 cfs. The flow from Lake Success went from 105 cfas to 990 cfs as of Friday morning. ............................................. However, water managers in Tulare County told Bakersfield, California-based news site SJV Water — which covers water issues in the San Joaquin Valley – that there are multiple physical and legal barriers that prevent the valley's water from getting to Southern California. SJV Water reported that the water would have to be "pumped at great expense" across the valley to the California Aqueduct, where it would still need to travel hundreds of miles to make it to the Los Angeles area. “Every drop belongs to someone,” Kaweah River Watermaster Victor Hernandez told SJV Water. “The reservoir may belong to the federal government, but the water is ours. If someone’s playing political games with this water, it’s wrong.” "A decision to take summer water from local farmers and dump it out of these reservoirs shows a complete lack of understanding of how the system works and sets a very dangerous precedent," Vink said. "This decision was clearly made by someone with no understanding of the system or the impacts that come from knee-jerk political actions." Climate scientist Peter Gleick — who specializes in water issues — lamented on Bluesky that water resources farmers had been "relying on" was effectively "thrown away" by the Trump administration all for the sale of "a photo op & a bragging media post." "This water will not be captured, will not be useful for cities or farms or firefighting," Gleick wrote. "It is now lost."
These are probably the type of orders his “good” advisors from his 1st admin would push back on or pretended not to hear if the President persisted. But the sycophants this to time around. “Yessir. Good idea sir”.
Trump doesn't care about California. And MAGA doesn't care about anything Trump doesn't care about. And the Trumppublican Senate and Congress don't care about anything besides being in Trump's good graces, and holding onto power and personal position. There really is no firm rule of law. Kind of only suggestions. (For the ruling political class and uber-rich, anyways. Still pretty firm laws for the rest of us.) It's kind of crazy how rapidly it all happened. And we all got to watch. Some of us even knew what was happening. Crazy world.
The guy 100% doesn’t care if crops or cattle are lost 6 months down the road. It’s all about the optics of showing some water flowing right now. Crazy.
The problem with a thing like this is the downside will only be seen 6+ months down the road when/if they could have really used some of this reservoir water (you know… the purpose of a reservoir). This region is huge for dairy production (like 21% nationally). Water is a precious commodity out there so at best this seems reckless, to just “waste” volumes of water for a photo op.
Yes Yes - they are fairly small flood control reservoirs. One is 185kaf and the other is 85 kaf. ACOE is in the flood control game. Sounds like ACOE may be claiming the releases were for flood control capacity. If not, then they were just for show and provide no benefit to anyone. HOwever, depending on rainfall, they could easily refill before early summer and this would be much ado about nothing except for the potential threat. What makes it so stupid is that the water that was released could cause flood problems for some of the farmers (most of whom were likely skidmark voters) before it ends up evaporating in the valley later this year. There is literally no way it will find its way across the valley and anywhere near Los Angeles. But that's not the point - its just a photo op so the skidmark can pretend he's doing something and his followers will lap it up.
I would say it’s equally possible they honestly thought it would help, because they don’t know stuff.
You are being far too kind. Political stunt, done on the fly without consulting regional water officials.
And y’all still have 102 weeks to make excuses for, justify, project, and worry about Trump’s actions. After the midterms Democrats will retake control of both houses of Congress.
Who gets to actually use water is state controlled under State water right laws, with a limited exception for federally reserved water rights (not applicable in this instance). Its a mix on who operates reservoirs - they can be Fed controlled by US Bureau of Reclamation (Lake Shasta) or ACOE (Kaweah), State controlled (Lake Oroville), municipally controlled (Hetch Hetchy), utility controlled (Pardee), and private. List of dams and reservoirs in California - Wikipedia
You and yours will suffer too. You can think yourself and the rest of the compliant cult for the collapse of American democracy. Enjoying the show? Love you some criminals and higher prices and dictatorship?