There is no doubt the stupid republicans will repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot and give power right back to the disgusting democrats.
Depends on how many chickens have been put down and how many more. It’s been ongoing since 2023. It’s going to be an issue for a while. Google Search
That is an unimportant detail Homer. Trump said he’d fix prices and they are going up. America sucks. We are all going to die.
Limited qualifications? How do you figure? She was a vice-president, a US senator, the attorney general of California, and the district attorney of San Francisco. Compared to a lot of current senators (Tuberville, et al) and Trump's gallery of rogues, she's insanely overqualified.
She had no executive experience (as for example, a governor). She refused assignments as vice-president, notably the opportunity to work on the immigration issue. V.P. is normally a ceremonial role (waiting for the president to die), but Biden needed help with managing all of his responsibilities, so he asked her to work on immigration, and she refused to take charge of it. She only had four years as a Senator (half as much as Dan Quayle), and was not known as a leader in the Senate (few freshmen are). Most of Congress is unqualified to run for president. I agree that she was more qualified than most of the Senate, but that does not say all that much. It's not a knock on her career in politics--very few people are qualified to be president. Obviously, I voted for her, but only because the alternative was Trump.
Yes, we elected a criminal president. For the first time in history. Being elected president does not make a history of crime go away. It's not like the concepts of president and criminal are mutually exclusive. Trump has demonstrated, thanks to the ignorance of millions of voters, that a criminal can be president if he tells the right lies and blames the right people. Voting Trump president does not make his crimes disappear from the space-time continuum. You would have to be fairly juvenile to believe it did.
I'm saying you can call him a 'criminal' all you's over. Your little lawfare scheme failed. Some might even say it backfired and Trump got more support.
On top of that, she was never well liked nationally even among democrats. They got stuck with her because she was VP. She never would have made it thru the primaries.
That’s blatantly false. If the Democrats wanted someone else to run then someone else would have run.
She was a terrible candidate. It is the DNC fault for 1. allowing Joe to run for a second term. They should have had real primaries. 2. Allowing Joe to select his successor.
She was the only one who could access the campaign funds plus Joe endorsed her. Dems were stuck. It's generally acknowledged by the liberal media and democrat supporters.
You have to give KH credit, she quickly got the endorsements of many state's delegates and almost had enough for the nomination before she even got the endorsements from Obama and Biden.
Trump is now taking charge of California's water reservoirs. He is boasting about releasing California's "beautiful water". He apparently thinks that releasing water in one part of the state will help the state fight fires in another part of the state. Trump is taking the dictator-moron stereotype farther than anyone had ever dreamed possible. One slight problem: if Trump releases all the water now, California may not have it later when they need it. Then Trump will really look stupid, unless he blames it on someone else. Acting on Trump's order, federal officials opened up two California dams
Calling your a criminal a criminal is merely speaking the truth. It's only "lawfare" with people like you, who dwell in a false reality where prosecuting any criminals you like is .... unjust. But then again, you voted for a criminal, and actively try to deceive on his behalf.
Cons: " Lawfare" is tried and convicted by a jury of your peers. Pathetic. Cons: "rigged election" : any election concluding with the other side a winner. Cons: "facts" : no clue ,unknown and unfamiliar term.
Politicians say stuff they can’t do all the time. Trump is the king BSer of all politicians. Fwiw we are all going to die so that’s true.