I suspect UT will be allowed to play very physical basketball and slow the game down to a crawl. This is especially true if we get off to a slow start like we often do.
Mighty Gators 78 UT 76 MvG Clayton Jr. SoG 33 The homer in me somehow thinks we'll win by double digits. but not a wise pick
I’m fully braced for the “SEC treatment “ In fact, I’d say the most telling indicator of this game will be amount of fouls called- if it’s a fast paced let ‘em play game , we’re better than them and probably win. If it’s double bonus with 7 mins left in the half type game ( which I’m expecting) not so much
ESPN has it at Vols -3.5 so we will use that. Haven't seen the ZZ news. Edit: I see that ZZ is out w a knee injury. Well, that team is gonna really rally in terms of effort now. The backup PG is 6th man and more of a SG, but averages 11pts/game. Gators better not have a false sense of security. They're going into a hornet's nest today.
Well that was . . . . . something. Jax was closest, coming w/in 23 pts. SoG was only 22 3pt attempts by the Vols. They needed a lower number there, still only shooting 27% from the arc.
13 for 53 from the field 4 for 27 from three pt land Worst game by our star transfer Outshot, outrebounded, outhustled etc. etc. etc. With numbers like that the top performer (not referred to as MVG when Gators lose) is gonna be weird. Behind a whopping 2pts, 5rbds, 2asst, & 2 blocks, Will Richard is the top performer. Richard..........1.70 Chinleyu.........1.67 Condon...........1.06
jcmiller910.............18.0 exiledgator.............16.0 Singaporegator.......13.5 gatordavisl............12.5 GatorLurker...........12.0 JaxLizard..............12.0 fox.......................11.5 wingtee................11.0 BTEGator..............10.5 jeffphillips21.........10.0 SmootyGator.........9.5 firegator................9.5 Bazza...................8.5 beechgator............8.5 bullish..................8.0 GratefulGator........7.5 scooterp...............7.5 gatortenor37.........7.0 gatormonk............6.0 thenazz.................5.5 Gatorhead.............5.5 GatorRade.............5.5 audiogatorjim........5.0 bigDgator..............5.0 wa_gatorfan..........5.0 bperkins10............5.0 ApexNC...........,.....4.5 filamg8torfan.........3.5 pigpen...................3.0 bogator..................3.0 GothamGator..........3.0 gulfgator................2.5 tampajack1............2.5 gogators73.............2.0 tommyvee..............1.0 g8tr80...................1.0 bturner623.............0.5 amerika.................0.5 murphree_hall........0.5 GatorJV..................0.5 GatorLegend...........0.5 gatorntuscaloosa.....0.5 trojanscott90..........0.5 potomacgator..........0.5 FutureGatorMom.....0.5 tilly........................0.5 danmanne65...........0.5 unclerob.................0.5
The Hall of Victory USF...................wingtee, exiled (11) Jacksonville........exiled (7) Grambling..........SmootyGator, jcmiller910 (4) at FSU...............Singaporegator, Bazza (3) FL A&M..............GatorLurker (6) S Illinois............jcmiller910 (2) Wake.................Gatorhead (13) Wichita St...........beechgator (17) Virginia..............wingtee (2) AZ St.................GatorRade (1) UNC...................jcmiller910 (1) UNF....................bullish, Singaporegator (25) Stetson...............fox (6) at UK..................wingtee (18) TN......................JaxLizard (22) at Ark.................GothamGator, exiled (15) MZ.....................gatordavisl (10) TX......................scooterp (9) at SC..................JaxLizard (6) GA......................scooterp, fox (4) at TN..................JaxLizard (23) Van at Aub at Miss St SC OK at LSU at GA TX A&M at AL MS
What time do we play later tonight ? Looking forward to to the game . I played golf this afternoon so looking forward to to watching our mighty Gators tee it up! ok I’m looking for the game but can’t find it.