Until he screws you one day. Not saying he will, but he may be testing the waters to see what he can get away with.
I’m retiring soon. Busting balls and talking as I please sounds refreshing and fun. Are you hiring? I will work cheap since my pension will be paying me not to work
Even if he’s helping himself to a big gulp and chips, and fills his own tank once in a while; productive employees are very hard to come by. You take the good with the bad until the bad outweighs the good.
Interesting. I prefer self checkout at the grocery because I use my own bags, some for cold and regular ones. I got tired of having my bananas, bread, chips, etc. crushed. Plus I’m a diy guy at home. Paint, plumbing, irrigation, landscape, etc. If you asked my wife she would describe me as someone who never met a stranger. Your analogy of self checkout peope is opinion rather than fact. Curious why you think that way?
As an employee, I want to be treated like an adult, with respect, and of course, paid on time. I also want all the tools I need to do my job successfully, within reason. New tech is great, but I understand there's a budget. We're also not family. Sorry. My family and my work are separate, and I'll gladly sacrifice for my family while expecting nothing in return. Ask me to sacrifice for work, and you better make it worth my time. I also know that at any time, if my employer doesn't need me anymore, they will let me go today. At the same time, if a better opportunity comes along tomorrow, I'm out the door in two weeks. I've been with my current company for nine years now. I've had offers to leave, but none have been better. I've also been treated relatively well. With a promotion four years ago, my salary has outpaced inflation and the team I work with are all very good at what they do.
I sold to a large corporation and yes after almost 4 years there's only four employees left of the original staff
Nothing is absolute, but based on my observations there are more of the kind that CHF describes than people like you. Kudos to you for picking and choosing what works best for you. I am in a mixed marriage where I won’t use self checkout if feasible. I like to interact with people. I find that the average cashier is much better at checking out efficiently than the average customer is at checking themselves out. Inefficiency drives me nuts. My wife loves self checkout. When we shop together I always, well you know, defer to her preferences.
Slow to hire quick to fire has been good advice. It’s easier to hire folks with similar personalities if you can but sometimes you just need a warm body. Pay them above average wages, remember their birthday and work anniversary’s, know their kids and spouses names, give them ample time off and throw them a couple hundred when they go on vacation, show them you are not above doing even the most menial tasks (taking out the garbage or cleaning a toilet now and again), and don’t talk about money or brag about your possessions around them.
We have been very fortunate in that we haven't had to let anyone go since the 2007 recession. 13 employees and average is 12 years with the firm. One thing to reinforce what @CHFG8R said is that I have noticed that the younger people will not pick up the phone to call someone (client or consultant) to resolve an issue in 10 minutes. Instead they send an email and then after a couple days of back and forth, the issue is resolved.
So we recently ran into a major situation that we are evaluating on how to proceed going forward. A patient brought their Emotional Support Jumping Spider with them to the office… It is a good thing I was not there. Pretty sure we are going to put a sign up warning people that all spiders including Emotional Support Spiders are in danger of death at our office...
Fascinating! OT: I wish loneliness didn’t exist. It is a terrible scourge on society. Emotional support humans is grossly underrated.