The United Oligarchs of America are coming for you people! And since we are renaming things, Gulf of Trump or whatever he is blabbering about, lets just rename the United States, The Republic of Maga. My definition: Make America Grotesque Again.
I am very pro (secular) Israeli, having many Jewish friends and colleagues. That does not mean I enjoy watching over a years worth of headlines about the Jewish nation obliterating and murdering up to 100,000 people (about 97.5% of whom are women, children and non-combatants) and making millions homeless. Nor do I think Jewish Americans have any "right" to demand that the United States be nothing more than a proxy and arms supporter for every move Israel and madman Benny make. I ain't Jewish and I have no intention in getting on their "blood Feud" train and being willing to support every move that nation makes, "because they say so". The reason is, I am not influenced by either of those ancient and blood curdling religions determined to snuff each other out. When religion becomes an excuse to be a murdering barbarian (either side), I have to admit that has no appeal to me. Culturally and in business, I have much to thank and appreciate Israel for. I thank Islam for.....well nothing. Interesting history but their religion, politics and culture, they can keep it, not interested in living like that. Religiously speaking (I'm an atheist) Orthodox Judaism and Orthodox Islam disgust me, on many levels.
I don't know, the initial post says Trump is expected to sign an EO directing all federal agencies to combat antisemitism, no ambiguity there. It does get more specific after that. I don't think he thought this through.
WOW! You know the mods are sensitive when they slam half your posts with drive by bacon. All for defending the first amendment? Amazing how some only think rights belong to a singular class.