You read me wrong. I stand proud of the level of effort I gave for a lesser wage than I earned on the private side. I can’t count the number of times that I answered my phone to be told by the caller how surprised they were to get a live person; and then later to have them thank me for my assistance even when my assistance might not have fallen under my job description. A lot of folks in the city and outside the city were very disappointed when I left. I was ready to retire, however, because too often my opinion didn’t follow the “party” line and I had accomplished much in my “tenure” already. I am quite proud of some of the projects done or initiated at my insistence. I am totally satisfied that I gave good service for a fair wage. I think that the folks I trained do so as well. It ain’t braggin’ iffin ya dun it.
Apologies for mischaracterizing your post. I think I'm just rankled by this strange Trumpy assault on our government. And I work for a municipal government. And I work my ass off. And add real value to society.
I could be wrong, but I don’t think you can double dip. Putting that aside, this proposal is idiotic. It smacks of trying to destroy our government.
As a federal employee, I can't speak for everyone in the govt, but I can speak for myself and my department. Everyone is overworked. The govt shutdown in 2020/2021, but we did not. I had to travel and work while people were getting stimulus checks and wearing masks everywhere. Are there bad employees, sure. But to blanket our workforce that mostly isn't political to being lazy, ok...
Everyone always thinks they are the only hard worker in the world anymore. I am not sure when everyone became a martyr but it happened. I just roll my eyes at the ignorance. The US is at record productivity.
The resignations of people who take the administration’s offer, are deferred resignations effective as of September 30, 2025. So, the employees who enter into the arrangement, are still working for the federal government through the end of September. Could you please provide the authority setting forth that while these people are working for the federal government, they can also take on a job in the private sector?
Nothing in the resignation letter prevents you from seeking outside work during the deferred resignation period. You should ask your agency's human resources team about what restrictions, if any, exist for employees who have resigned but remain employed (including on administrative leave) by their employing agency. This is from the FAQs page of the article that you must have read
A lot are blaming the Democrats, including myself. Everyone knew what Trump would do, and they still lost because the party couldn't find someone that wasn't remotely repulsive.
No, you didn't say that, and I didn't mean for my response to be taken negative. Thank you and may your Dad rest in peace.
No negativity taken, just confusion. I’ve seen too much in life to take that as a negative. Thank you for the kind words for Dad.
Biden literally craps his pants in public and that dude, calls President Trump skid marks? The OP is a joke.
repulsive compared to djt? don't think so but I agree that the dems shot themselves in the foot twice by letting the party determine who the candidate would be rather than the voters
Mostly agree, but Kamala and Biden were terrible, regardless if they were chosen by voters or not. They pissed off their own voters and donors for multiple reasons. If they had rolled the dice with Biden, they may have taken the house and we wouldn't have one party rule. I'm not in favor of one party rule by either side. We always pay a heavy price when they turn toward the people instead of each other.
It’s because he literally wears a ton of orange makeup and is a metaphorical shitstain on our democracy with his overreaching executive orders. It has nothing to do with anyone crapping their pants. Lo entiendes?
My dad is also on the hill almost due west of the US flag in almost the last row of graves before the clump of smallish pine trees. The crisp orderliness of that cemetery really impresses me, especially compared to municipal and private cemeteries I am familiar with. Those immaculately aligned gravestones make me proud and sad and warm my heart all at the same time. RIP Papa Don and all the rest of our veterans that have crossed the veil.