These are people who saw him enact a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, which included a violent component in which hundreds of police were beaten and injured..... yet still voted for him. And they apparently thought that a tolerable response about this from him and our leaders was to repeatedly publicly lie about it. And to lie about it themselves. Do we expect these people, who tolerated such astoundingly un-American criminality to now have any sense of decency or patriotism? Ever? Their allegiance is not to America - it's to their Orange God.
Which reminds me, have any more Russians who have clashed with Putin fallen lately from tall buildings?
Oct 2024 “Milley receiving “a non-stop barrage of death threats” since he retired last year, saying he has installed bullet-proof glass and blast-proof curtains at his home at his own expense” Milley on Trump “He is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country, He is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist.” Milley calls Trump ‘a fascist to the core’ in new Woodward book
Graham says investigate Trump for stripping Bolton's security protection? I'm flabbergasted. I think Trump will retaliate by stripping Graham of his closet protection.
So you support the prosecution of a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff whose first loyalty is to the Constitution and the rule of law rather than to the Dear Leader? Got it. A rather common practice in dictatorships as opposed to democracies (using the term in the broad sense).
A traitor by definition is someone who betrays his country to an adversary. To which foreign country has Milley betrayed the US? Speaking the truth about a former (at the time) president is not treason although members of the Cult of the Donald consider anything less than absolute loyalty to the Dear Leader as a form of treason. By the way do you think Generals Mattis and Kelly should be prosecuted for treason since they also disparaged Trump?
His conversations with China were in no way a betrayal of the US. Gen. Milley explains his calls with China over concerns about President Trump
Don't forget Trump's former Secretary of State (I forget the perceptive fellow's name), who said of Trump after a Cabinet meeting, "What a moron." (When asked by some nosy reporter. he didn't deny saying it, he evaded the question.)
He wrote that Mars would be governed by a leader with the title "Elon." However, this does not refer to a person's name but rather a title for a leader.
Do we know that Musk (born in South Africa) is not an illegal alien? Consider the case of another foreigner, Andrea Cornelis van Kuijk, who struck it rich in America. Born in the Netherlands, he entered the U.S. illegally, became known as Colonel Tom Parker, and became Elvis Presley's manager. Elvis missed out on millions by never performing overseas (not to mention the millions that Parker fleeced from him). Parker was afraid that if he went overseas with Elvis, he might not be able to come back.