I know it is something that is or has been in the works https://www.newsmax.com/us/nasa-ast...=DM745233_01292025&s=acs&dkt_nbr=010102y0tvhd
I think Boeing should pay the cost of this mission. Heck, it would be a PR win for them if they would come out and say that in my opinion.
Elmo gonna make a lottt of money off this. I'm sure the Orange Skidmark will hold him very accountable if it doesn't work, though. Our tax dollars at work!
With what? They're already on the ropes. Should we just finish them off? I say bust into 3 companies (Commercial, Military, Space) and full restructuring.
I like being aggressive to get our people home. I don’t like the continued finger-pointing to Biden. Does Trump andMAGA really need a boogeyman anymore? They won the election. It’s time to move forward, IMO.
While you are correct. This is the time to take advantage of the political capital you have. And it would be dumb not to take advantage of it.
The funny thing is if one actually reads the article, it plainly says Space X had already planned to return them in March, and due to Boeings issues - that has been the case from August when the mission was taken out of Boeing’s hands. I assume there were reasons for Space X’s original timeline of March. Quite nonsensical to frame it as “Biden abandoned them” when this was Space X timeline.
It’s incessant, and it takes away from any action being taken. I’d rather read something positive, then reading something and eye-rolling. Wait till next election cycle to hopefully brag about accomplishments (instead of finger-pointing excuses).
Spending political capital? You do that to sell a bill or policy change to the public. This is really just more dishonesty and nothing else.
Exactly. To me, it took away from the entire story, which I was hoping would be cool, and made it into another eye-roll bogus blame-session.
So now y'all want to let the past be... 91 indictments, 34 convictions, POTUS heist, incarceration, an assassination attempt, 8+ years of relentless TDS Trumpgasms, complete undoing of his first presidency, complete vilification of the guy, his family, everyone who supported him... open borders to all kinds of thugs (20 mil) and drugs to spite him, all kinds of woke BS, Trillions on Green scam, 9 Trillion added to debt for naught... Yeah, sure...let's let bygones be bygones, and move on. Lol! Yeah...hell no. We'll be rubbing the dems noses in their own shit at least until we cant smell the shit anymore...
Yes, but every time you roll your eyes, MAGA sees that as a win. Remember the MAGA Prime Directive: "Own Libs". Nothing they say or do ever rises above that intellectually. Again, drunken tailgate shouting at opposing fans as they pass by. It all begins and ends right there for MAGA.
Once Boeing screwed up NASA reevaluated the options and decided to schedule them on a return flight in February which the astronauts were good with (knowing this is their last ever space flight - these two were brought out of retirement). These two astronauts took the place of two of four crew that were to fly up in October. The best part is the current delay to March is due to no one other than Elon/SpaceX and he’s the one claiming how “terrible” it is they’re still there.
They are NEVER giving up this crutch. It's all they have. Watch how desperate they get as time goes on as they search high and wide for any crumb of woke to lean on. They are completely and totally bankrupt intellectually. Woke is it. It's the soul of the movement.
Sounds like government for all. SMH. Gosh, if only there was an explanation why our Country is so divided…
"Again, drunken tailgate shouting at opposing fans as they pass by. It all begins and ends right there for MAGA." If you're looking for evidence, look no further than THIS ^ Wow! Crackpot much?
Speaking from the middle, it is absolutely astonishing how little they care about improving our Country. They literally care only about winning sound-bites.