Confession by projection, given the White House press secretary a little over a week ago was a black lady from the Isle of Lesbos. Funny comment from a Pacific Palisades resident:
It appears the school district is the party that made that claim (which they later corrected as the Secret Service rather than ICE). Pritzker, before the correction was made, said there are reports of it happening. Is this supposed to be some kind of gotcha?
See? No. There is no quote from the governor in there. Nor did he ever say "ICE is raiding schools" from what I read in your link. The federal government sent agents into a school and that is exactly what the governor said. He did not say they were "ICE". Now some rando in the school system said that, but not the governor. Notice the lack of MSM headlines about ICE raids?
must be, why else hire her? women are supposed to stay at home and make babies and serve their man. I know you got the memo, must not have read it.
do you believe what trump says? why? he has repeatedly shown himself to be a liar with a disconnect from reality. why would anyone believe anything he says? it is truly baffling
She did what she had been hired to do and did it fairly well. I would give her grade of B+. That being said I don't think we can expect anything remotely open and honest from the President and anyone speaking on his behalf.
White House Reporters Mystified By Press Secretary Who Answers Questions | Babylon Bee WASHINGTON, D.C. — Following the first briefing by Karoline Leavitt, White House press reporters expressed surprise and consternation due to having a press secretary who actually answered their questions. The experience came as a stark departure from what the press pool journalists had experienced for the last four years, leaving them confounded by getting the information they asked for without continual runaround and evasion. "What… what is this madness?" asked Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy. "I should go get myself checked out by a doctor. I must be hallucinating. I had some type of waking dream today where I was in the White House briefing room, and there was this blonde woman there. And… and I asked her a question… and she just… answered. She just answered the question. There's no way it was real, right? That doesn't happen, does it?" Members of the media expressed suspicion that something was amiss at the briefing. "It just felt off," said CNN's Kaitlan Collins. "There was something truly unsettling about being in there, asking questions, and getting straight answers. None of us were used to working that way, so we weren't sure what to do. Do we, like, write down her answers? Report them to our viewers? Is that how it goes? I'm asking because I genuinely don't know."
What a cluster. The new unqualified DEI press secretary is going to have her whole organization in jail for contempt.
So far ICE has conducted roughly 12 raids since Trump took office. Almost all of them took place in cities governed by Democrats. Slightly more than half of the undocumented immigrants have committed crimes other than simply being in the US without documentation. Not a single raid has been conducted in an agricultural area or an area with a major meatpacking plant. My guess is that when all is said and done very few illegals working as farmworkers will be apprehended and deported by ICE although a significant number of them will have to be deported if Trump is to achieve his stated goal.