From being sent to Gaza by Biden Administration. At least Democrats are consistent in being dumbasses. State Dept pulls millions in funding for ‘condoms in Gaza,’ as Trump admin looks to trim spending
Crazy the lies that Trump will have his paid liars tell, and that his cult will buy. Those guys gotta wrap up the lying. The White House claims the previous administration had earmarked $50 million for a condom distribution program in the Gaza Strip, but does not offer evidence to back up the claim, which a former senior Biden official dismisses as a “feverish dream.” Andrew Miller, who served as deputy assistant secretary for Israeli-Palestinian affairs under former US president Joe Biden, calls the claim “outlandish.” “It’s possible that $50 million is put aside for sexual health or something of that nature, which would include gynecology and many other services, but definitely not condoms alone,” he tells The Times of Israel. The US Agency for International Development’s spending on injectable contraceptives, contraceptive implants, IUDs, male condoms, oral contraceptives, Standard Days Method and female condoms amounted to $60 million in the fiscal year of 2023, and that was across the globe — not just Gaza. Condoms generally cost less than one dollar each in the United States and much less in bulk. Just over two million people live in Gaza....
$3 Billion in annual aid to blow up Palestinians. $50,000,000 to help slow the birth rate of the population we spend billions blowing up. Sounds to me like the dems are both fiscal conservatives and humanitarians on this one.
Perhaps your didn’t read the article. I am sure Trump made this up. Gaza terror: How condoms became a weapon against Israel
OIC - they wanted to give the Gazans weapons. I'm sure one of Trumps lying lackeys made it up. He goes for the more important lies. Like immigrants eating dogs.
Cuba subsidizes condoms & I saw a mini doc on all the uses they put them to given their cheapness. (I suspect I can find it & post it). Ironic that the MAGA socialists are against them. They'll come around I suspect as they follow their Reagan/Castro model, we'll be seeing rubber mania soon.
How is it a lie? I relied on Fox News and the White House press secretary’s statement. Democrats are desperate.
How does it feel to be a grown adult fully aware person and believe the flagrant lies you are told by flagrant liars?
Ok. I have Fox News, the White House Press Secretary and the Secretary of State that says it true. My sources are better than your crappy link.
Do you have a current report. This is over a year old. We are talking about right now. Democrats love to lie and make up BS.