So the best deputy press secretary for a Vice President is a minimally qualified nepotism hire? Tucker Carlson's 24-Year-Old Son Buckley Hired as Deputy Press Secretary for Vice President JD Vance Buckley Carlson, the 24-year-old son of conservative commentator Tucker Carlson, has been hired to be deputy press secretary for Vice President JD Vance.
Not saying u favor a merit based system, but being qualified is irrelevant in a merit based sys as I am sure you know. min /= max. they both do seem overly qualified for gay porn - that should unify us. No one is sooo partisan that they can't see that.
Well there’s no information in the article to make that assessment. Says he’s been an aide on capital hill for 5 years.
do you have a copy of the ad for the job ? Do you know the application process? Do you know who applied? Do you know who was involved in the hiring decisions' how made up the hiring committee? I suspect this like Napier just picking who he wants. It may be the right way to go, but only an asshole would claim it is merit based.
I don't. I think these jobs do not post an ad. I think they are just hand picked. Like B. Napier is allowed to do. Like nearly all important political jobs are filled. They are not merit based as far as I can tell. Maybe you know something I don't
in my experience I hear merit, merit, merit. & then, qualified, qualified, qualified. AS IF THEY ARE THE SAME. You commies might think they are the same. THEY ARE NOT! do you have a copy of the ad for the job ? Do you know the application process? Do you know who applied? Do you know who was involved in the hiring decisions' & who made up the hiring committee?
It's insane that peeps such as @OklahomaGator think all that is needed for a merit based sys is the elimination of a DEI system. However, I suspect, he's updated his thinking.
Black kid grows up in a poor house and gets a job it’s DEI. White kid grows up in rich house and gets a job it’s merit. ‘What am I missing besides disingenuous racism?
The job is effing press secretary. It’s not as important a job as you govt loving libbies think. You guys are flailing…again.
As I recall, it was Tucker Carlson who urged Trump to choose Vance as his running mate. So I suspect this is a Vance "thank you" to Tucker (and a Vance "[blank] you" to those who don't like it).
Yeah, clearly not as important as something like Target assistant manager where 'merit' based hiring is essential
The white press secretary for the VP is not an important job and can be given not on merit but based on who they are.. but a black student attending Harvard to study English is so important we cant consider who they are? How do you go through life flip flopping on every single topic depending on who benefits?
Common sense: it is a form of nepotism. He gets a valuable experience that can be leveraged to a future.