I can’t find a video I can load but enjoyed the part where ….. in response to a question about the WH being honest ….. she asked for the “legacy media” to be honest and accurate in their coverage of the Trump administration, something they have not done in the past. We know the liberal MSM will not cover the Trump administration in a fair and reasonable fashion as the vast majority of liberal journalists and the MSM are simply incapable of objectivity and honesty.
She "owned the libs" by repeating Donald Trump's party line almost verbatim. Maybe the lines are more effective when coming from the mouth of a semi-hot blonde. She pretty much evaded almost every question regarding the impact of Trump's halt on federal spending. Giving credit where credit due she did put on a great show for MAGA nation, not so much for anyone who is even remotely objective.
You forgot that if they are hired by a Republican then they are not considered to be DEI, even if they lack the credentials
What in her 5 years since college would suggest that she was a merit-based pick? I mean, I was telling jokes about our new DC hire, who started coaching in 2019. That is when she graduated college!
Well, Trump has said he opposes DEI, wants it to be based on merit. So I would think she was the best qualified in his opinion based on her previous work for him.
So merit is really just circular logic. He hired her because of merit because he said he wants merit so she has merit?
"In his opinion" is the key word to anything that is "merit" based lol. I suppose its possible that out of everyone in the entire country, someone who he already knew was the most qualified. That's how most people get jobs - they know someone, but lets not pretend its a merit based thing. Don't insult anyone's intelligence. Its like Billy Napier saying all the guys he worked with before at his coaching stops were the most qualified hires in the country.
The projection is really back full force. A Trump supporter accuses someone of being "incapable of objectivity and honesty."
I especially liked the part of the press conference where she says "...this administration believes that birthright citizenship is unconstitutional...". Um...it's literally in the constitution. Now, you could try to interpret through some mental gymnastics to somehow have a different interpretation, but it cannot be unconstitutional.