I think this is a good move- The WHO has zero say in how the US operates Trump Orders U.S. To Withdraw From World Health Organization
As if we do their (or any international organization's) bidding. If anything, we probably have far more influence over the WHO than the WHO has over us. But, yeah, let's just throw that away because. . . . "owning libs!!!". And here's the chief flag waver, waving that flag!!! You go Bill!!!
All these people know how to do is break things, driven by their contempt for humanity and the idea of civilization
Short of disbanding this travesty of of an organization, this is the best move we could make. WHO is a joke and a terrible waste of our tax $
More money for defense contractors like you, the stuff we really need. Bombs not vaccines is your motto, am I right?
WHO led the global eradication of smallpox if I recall. Believe also a strong effort on the near eradication of polio. But I guess it's the Boogeyman du jour.
Wait a second, they are saving the lives of brown people, not bombing them? ... no wonder MAGA USA wants no part of it
Don't paint with a broad brush, I'm sure there's a few stores called something like "Guns & Ammo World" they like.
Until we have democracies all over the globe that actually function and no threat to the US exists, yes build as many bombs as possible. If we didn't, Russia would have invaded Poland, and possibly Germany by now. China would have Taiwan and S Korea would be in danger of occupation by China. It's interesting that libs say they support democracy but don't want to enforce it by force. Force is required, or the threat of force to keep these bad govts in check. Vaccines should be developed here. Our govt went full stupid with funding dangerous research in a communist country that some of it's citizens still use human feces as fertilizer on crops. WHO is not needed, we can decide where and when to help people.
We’ve certainly seen with Covid and other diseases that health is a worldwide issue. Why would we not want to be part of a worldwide effort to keep us all healthy?
Because WHO, like climate change, is based on science, and our present government is anti-science. Why, during the Covid pandemic WHO didn't even mention using bleach. Americans were misled by science as personified by the evil Dr. Fauci, who may now be in hiding and ought to be No. 1 on the FBI's Most Wanted list.
What we are presently living in is a kakistocracy. And if force will be needed to sustain it, I'm sure that force will be used.