I’m starting to wonder if Trump will lower the price on anything, at all. Cattle prices eclipse $200 for the first time ever. Seems like we are seeing records set everywhere. High demand and low supply are being blamed. Although you can clearly see it spiked post-election. Dennis Sun: Cattle and Beef Prices Expected to Rise | Cowboy State Daily The fed cattle market has surged higher, clipping the $200 hundredweight (cwt) mark for the first time on a U.S. average basis. “The price strength has been driven by tightening fed cattle supplies amidst continued beef demand strength. Higher fed cattle prices will send the market signal to ration tighter cattle and beef supplies by pushing wholesale and retail prices higher as well. While all dollars flow from the consumer in the long run, supply-side forces can often prevail in the short or intermediate term,” CattleFax continues. “As a result of crossing the psychologically important $200 level, packers, wholesalers and retailers will adjust prices higher. Ebbs and flows in beef prices will still occur, especially for the cutout, but the downside risk is likely more limited. The spot composite cutout above $330 has already eclipsed the high from 2024. Expect strong support in the $300 to $310 area compared to a cutout which spent 15 weeks below $300 in 2024. After an expected near-term pullback, odds favor a spring cutout rally exceeding current levels,” CattleFax adds.
Harris Teeter has value packs of NY Strip about 50 percent off every four weeks or so, so I load up then. Whats odd to me though is we keep hearing about how discretionary spending is going down, consumers are under pressure etc. you would think red meats, especially the more expensive cuts, would be among the first things trimmed (no pun) and prices would come down. Kind of a weird dichotomy.
Welp, it looks like things are becoming clear; Trump won't be able to bother to try to lower grocery prices. But he'll almost certainly be successful in lowering the corporate tax rate, and probably the rate for upper brackets. I'd say that this is a huge win for the average Americans who claim to have voted for him on policy issues. #WINNING!
9 Trillion Dollars for nothing under Doh! Biden means a lot of extra dollars chasing the same (or less, due to bird flu n such) product = less buying power/reduced vslue of the dollar. It's going to take some serious tightening of the belt to return to normalcy. Kinda like Reagan had to ride a deep recession to right things. That wonderful economy you love to boast under Doh was fueled with only so much hot air. ...which is why most voters weren't duped by the Dums' sleight of hand shell game. End of the day, there was just too much month at the end of too many peoples' job(s) (plural, in many cases). But do continue prattling on about how wonderful and brilliant Doh! Biden was... Happens every time it's tried--pumping out more money doesn't make ppl richer.. it makes their currency cheaper, less valuable. Ppl might have more money in their accounts, but its value significantly less, as measured by what you can get for your bucks.
I think dining out is the first thing trimmed, it has already and will continue. Mrs. Aging and I still dine out regularly but I have noticed for the last couple of years that restaurants are busy when we get there (6-7PM) and not when we leave (8-8:30PM) at all of our regular places.
thank goodness. Fortunately my wife’s family is from rural Illinois and we purchased a ton of cattle 2 years ago, both dairy and beef and we are making a killing.
Yea. Or you would think they trade down to cheaper places. Statistics for dining out are still sky high though. Americans spend more out than in eating and it has been growing. Maybe the last few months are different, not sure. I do know that we dont go out for steak anymore. Wife swears I can cook a steak better than a restaurant (she is legally required to say so) and it is like $200+ for two. We save dining for stuff i cant make or procure well, like sushi and seafood.
Maybe the price of meat at retail food stores will if RFK, Jr can reduce demand by convincing enough people to eat roadkill. Street food: Robert F Kennedy Jr boasts of ‘a freezer full of roadkill’
I love to cook steaks on my Big Green Egg, my wife swears by them as well lol. Obviously cheaper than going out but when it's freezing outside it makes it pretty tempting to go to a restaurant and get some seafood.
The Dems think that chickens, pigs, cattle and crops can grow in one week that Psident Trump has been in office.
If you can get your hands on it, firewood from orange trees is superb for mixing with your lump charcoal for grilling steaks on the Egg.