What an uninformed ridiculous post. The Chinese come up with a better AI mousetrap (piggybacking off Chat GBT4 and likely lying about the cost) and you blame Trump? Do you get your news from TikTok or the Collusion News Network?
Of course it's ridiculous, but isn't that what both sides do on issues like this? Inflation was worldwide and the US was at times lower than average. But conservatives here and elsewhere blamed it on Biden. If the stock market had gone way up today rather than down, don't you think someone would have chimed it that it was because of Trump? Both sides do it ... all the time.
Whoa Wait a minute. No no no You can’t claim both sides. No sir. The party drum bangers will be out for blood. How dare you! . Whoo who!!! Trumps sucks!!! Yeah for the stock market going down and people losing money!!! Yea! Oh wait.. But Biden.. But Trump… But Obama… But Bush (take your pick) … but Clinton… Posters in this board are the same. Just two sides of the same Coin… and our politicians live it because it keeps them in power, in the money, and in the shadows.
All the stock I own is in the Lord Free by way of faith, eternal the reward Heaven without end Is quite a dividend All the stock I own is in the Lord
Trump totally FAILED to see this coming, and to do anything to protect our stock market and AMERICAN companies. He was just out golfing, and also he's senile, and also he's just a puppet and they're pulling his strings. Anyone else would have seen this coming and prevented it. Or maybe he just doesn't care.
That's all that guy's got. No different than the paid youtube trolls who spit out ridiculous talking points but never debate.
Yeah, in I'll agree with you to an extent. Not for all posters, obviously, but in many cases. But that's where you need to, and consistently fail to, draw your line. When applying that sentiment to the major political parties, only one of them is in slavish servitude to a literal criminal. To the extent of literally lying about his crimes, and repeatedly publicly lying to perpetuate his lies. If you can't agree with that, your objectivity must be questioned.
How much does he pay you to support one of his closest confidants becoming the Secretary of Treasury?
Biden prevented another global pandemic, because he didn't want to see a repeat of Trump just lying to the the American public, telling them to take malaria drugs and horse de-wormer, and shove UV lights up their asses.
Didn't Trump just announce some $ Half Trillion dollar AI investment thing? How embarrassing for America.