British voters support Donald Trump's policies favouring hardline border measures and 'two gender' stance in blind poll
I agree that we need to have good deterrents from illegal immigration of all backgrounds, but also a more robust guest worker program for all those jobs Americans are too good for, considering it’s American demand that has them coming here. (like drugs) As for the gender stuff, what someone identifies as has zero effect on my life.
Their people are conditioned to have negative views of the name Donald Trump, so when they read his actions without his name attached, they agree with President Trump's political policies. Imagine that.
Reminds me of several surveys during the period immediately following enactment of the ACA. In multiple surveys a majority of respondents indicated opposition to Obamacare although when asked whether they supported the Affordable Care Act a majority answered in the affirmative. Similarly when asked whether or not they supported each individual provision of the Act such as prohibiting exclusion from insurance coverage based on preexisting conditions a majority indicated support of virtually every major provision of the Act while still opposing "Obamacare".
I can think of several times when you have complained about something that Bernie has been pushing for, for years Props to DeSantis/Senate for tort reform in regards to Florida insurance
If it makes you feel any better, most countries have right-wing nut-job political parties. Usually they are a small minority, but every once in a while, a con-man takes over the party and convinces people that he has the right answers. These parties tend to specialize in demagoguery--blaming people with dark skin or a different religion than the majority for their problems. Members tend to be uneducated, if not illiterate. You get the picture.
I do get the picture. That you're still part of a party which relies on race mongering for relevance. And like the mostly socialist, or socialist leaning countries that you're describing, your party has failed its citizens.
well we know most of the libs on here disagree with the Brits and hate everything about Trump- they tell us in almost every thread everyday
I'm waiting for the Republican Party to return to sanity, which is at least four years away. I voted for democrats in the last two elections. I started voting when Reagan was president, and regard him to be one of the best presidents of the 20th century. I do agree that the Republicans, my party, has failed its citizens.
Loved Reagan, but you just described yourself as being a RINO. So your second choice doesn't surprise me. Say hi to Liz Cheney and the Bush family for me.
While I share your hope the gop returns to sanity, I'm afraid that is never coming back. In today's gop, Reagan would get called a RINO. Total fealty to the orange god or you are banished.
It ain't conservatives busting into tranny bedrooms... it's tranny's trying to go public with their bedroom doings, especially aiming it at our kids under the guise of benign entertainment.