They say astrology is a science too. Virologists are people who presuppose viruses and see them into existence.
See post #80. (He apparently watches FoxNews. "No clue what you are talking about.") With opinions like that abroad, maybe Fauci needed it.
Silly. It will never be proven so it doesn’t matter. Even if it was from a lab it doesn’t prove it was intentional, meaning you are still in the same spot. Hell, the right wing buffoons didn’t want to do anything to slow the spread anyway so why would the origin matter? They didn’t even want to use the vaccines so even if it was from a lab extra info to develop a vaccine earlier that right wingers didn’t want to use? That makes no sense. You all make no sense
This. It's got additional importance because it's a complaining point for Trumpers; it was really #NOT FAIR to Donald.
What are the odds the CIA is telling someone what they want to hear. It isn’t like potus is known to lash out and cause harm to those that tell him what he doesn't want to hear. What would have been the tweet or EO if they agreed with all the science that shows incremental changes in the market as the virus mutated between species. It makes sense as to why they added the low degree of confidence qualifier that seems lost on people with an agenda.
Didn’t the FBI have some similar conclusion many months ago? Seems kind of pointless with the “low confidence” qualifier. I mean most people probably lean that way anyway, so them saying it with low confidence comes off as pretty worthless if there’s no particular evidence or intel to base it on. I assume the Chinese know. But as it’s embarrassing to them either way they are never going to give an honest account.
It’s not pointless; that’s how they have to qualify their findings: low, medium, and high confidence. DOE was low, CIA low, DNI low, and FBI medium.
Low confidence is tantamount to “people are saying”. It means they don’t have any real evidence. In fact if you read what was released it actually says it’s not based on new evidence and is based on “the previously available body of reporting”. Do they even have… intelligence on this? Sounds more like they are just going of public reports. I - random citizen - also have “low confidence” it’s most likely lab leak, but then it would stand to reason a lab worker would have been patient zero. The fact they can’t pin that down is why it’s of “low confidence”. I would find “we have low confidence it came from a wet market” to be an equally asinine statement from an agency 4 years later if they can’t pin down patient zero or the animal/sample in question. I assess a medium chance that China actually does know.
I'm still waiting for one of the right winners to tell us why Trump would push for and take credit for the development of a vaccine that's supposedly killed millions of people?
Nothing to see here. Just a worldwide pandemic that killed millions. Damn MAGAs were so obsessed with point of origin.