I did not know that. I have learned, however, that the Nazis never really left Ukraine after being soundly defeated by the Soviets. They laid in wait, sinisterly not aging at all, for the Soviet Union to fall, whereupon they seized control of Ukraine via a Jewish puppet operative, necessitating a benevolent Russian invasion to “de-Nazify” the helpless people of Little Russia.
Blah blah blah whatever bro... Address the main point i challenged you with: what did the Chicoms cover up with their magic bat joke, and why, if there was nothing to cover up??? What do they do at the Wuhan lab? Help me out here...give me something remotely cogent to hang my hat on...
I demand evidence that China covered up something that doesn’t exist. Call me stubborn. FYI, I scoff at Russian claims of bio labs in Ukraine.
Of course you do. No one ever said anything about a magic bat shitting on a wet market....we all just some how absorbed the same story from some Uber high tech rusky mental telepathy device, bc the ruskies (who can't get past 1st base agsinst mighty Ukraine in 3 years of pissing in the wind) are so advanced, space alien cultures send proxies to Russia to consult about their revolutionary science... Lmao! D'okay...
/s/ guy who denies all science and evidence, but demands scientific evidence for anything he finds disagreeable.
This is absolutely a fair post/thought. At the same time. We now know the anger should be shown to the cdc/fda/fauci/etc that failed basic medicine and science. And really brought this on us unnecessarily.
What science are we talking about ? The science that informed us that Covid can travel 5’11” but not 6” ?
Well there's the science that recognizes that Covid exists, and the science that says viruses exist, and the science that determined that a lot of ppl died due to Covid...among other(s) science stuffs...
No clue what you are talking about. But fauci is one of the worst people to ever walk this amazing creation. He is evil. He knew what he did and was doing. I have no sympathy for people like this. So many took an unnecessary drug for a disease that was not dangerous to them because of this man. At the same time he was integral in the research that led to the disease that brought the unnecessary drug causing inflammation to millions unnecessarily. He will go down in history with the likes of Stalin/Hitler/Ivan the Terrible. Just an awful human being!