Dr. Alzheimer is practically family, having taken out 5 of my rely's, and actively working over #6. I aim to die b4 my "twilight years" (though my biggest fear is that I forget the plan by the time I get there...).
My mom and grandmother were said to have died of Alzheimer’s. It was an alienating experience I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. How old were your relatives ?
As we start to study the microbiome and gut health…I think we will see the harm and danger of ultra processed foods. The good news is we continue to grow in our ability to treat diseases. But we need to be looking at the causes just as much as we look for cures. How great would it be to attack the problem from two fronts?!?!
They were all in their 80's when they got it, except for an aunt, who got it in her mid 60's and was tortured with it for almost 15 years. Hence my target date to start jumping out of planes with parachutes made from Publix bags, bungy jumping with homemade chords, taking up smoking 5 cigars a day, tripling my daily consumption of drink/day, racing at 120 mph (dedolate highways), etc, is my 79th birthday--should I live to see it (hoping not to, if I'm being honest). Alzheimer's is a mofo. No thx.
In the wake of my family’s Alzheimer’s I was led to wonder why we weren’t allowed to go senile in our 80’s and 90’s anymore.* I do wonder about t why that sometimes happens to people much earlier.
My personal theory on why we vest such profound importance in the foods we eat: We know we can't ultimately control our genetics > we badly want to believe that we can control our health and longevity > we note that we CAN control the composition of our diets > we therefore endow food with magical (or deadly) qualities > we then proceed to assume that we've enhanced our prospects for health and longevity, however miserable our restrictive diets.
She was obese her whole life. My guess is food and health choices didnt kill her, but it kept her from living.
I've never really understood using the metric of longevity. I guess it is easy to measure. I've never known anyone who was a life span maximizer. Likewise, I've never really understood not dying as some great measure of health. IMO, we make a lot of assumptions about people's utility functions & motivations. I just got home from the gym, cracked a beer & am hitting a vape pen (nicotine). & will be grilling carne asada in 15 degree weather with a bourbon in hand in a few hrs.
this is a good 1 IMO. Health is a presence of a superior state of well-being, vigor, vitality, and pizzazz
That sounds like Trump. At 78 he subsists on 4-5 hours a week, gets shot at, drinks a dozen Diet Cokes a day, starts his day in DC, flies to NC, flies to CA, flies to Miami and caps the day with a tarmac press conference.
A bit off topic but at the same time I do think you are on to something with this. And can agree this needs to be removed from the diet of most…