Oil industry is making record profits under Biden and production is at record levels. Our you suggesting the oil companies are going to cut prices and take less profits because Trump is president
3.39 regular 3.99 ethanol free SW fl I suspect that a global Economic slump brought on by uncertainty and upheavel manifestedvin DC will depress demand which will drop price and MAGA will praise him for dropping price. Remember when he had gas so cheap, same time the morgues were overflowing into the parking lots.
Righties are loving Biden's gas prices now on this thread. LOL. This forum should be a study in self gaslighting.
only fools think the potus controls energy prices. minor influence at best short of ordering a major military attack
Gas prices in general are not a good reflection of a good or bad economy. There are too many variables.
and when djt follow through with threats to cut export licenses out of Venezuela, prices should go up but global slowdown is hurting demand right now