It happens all the time both ways- one of my kids made it thru 4 years at UF without letting the liberalism get to her but then when she went to PA School at Emory she allowed them to move her to the left. My love is unconditional, so I just have to accept it and move on. LIST - 7 Day Engagement&tpcc=email
I agree. But it seems college kids are waking up to this simple thing called 'common sense' that they have found is actually already in them -- and they are realizing that no matter how many liberal educators tell them it's nothing, they are realizing that it's everything.
common sense like if you lose all 60 cases you filed that maybe there wasn't any real election fraud?
wait. you think you aren't a lib? that must be confusing for your kid. increasing gov in size & scope is what then? My love is unconditional... for BIG GOV?
'common sense' like having a biblical reference in your sig, but voting and shilling for a serial adulterer who has cheated on all three of his wives, been accused of sexual assault by 27 women, been adjudicated to be a sexual assaulter, and has admitted to sexually assaulting women?
“Common sense” coming from the right is hilarious, your whole damn party is in a cult. This new slogan is right up there with “do your own research” during COVID acting like you all were able to know more than scientists and doctors because you had access to Google.
I didn't vote for a perfect President. I voted for the best to solve America's problems. Kamala, to me, was weak, ineffective, couldn't speak, a laughing stock to foreign powers, stood for nothing, & would continue all of Biden's wrong policies. She said so. As for the Bible, crack it open again. God uses all types for His work. He's the final judge. Voting was a choice between two people. I made mine based on what's important to me. You made yours. Neither were wrong. But only one won. We'll do it again in a few years.
I think there won't be another. So in the meantime I apply certain basic standards. Like not casting a vote for a rapist to be President of the United States.
He has not ever been found guilty of rape in a court of law, which is the only way we mortals can make a final judgement. So you should drop that word. BTW, Have you uprooted Bill Clinton out of the Democrat party? As for your first point, you are absolutely right! There won't be another! We only needed one, and He came for us. And He is still there for us. Eternity is a far bigger issue than 4 years.
Here. Learn. Enjoy your rapist. Dismissing the counterclaim, a judge in New York, Lewis A Kaplan, said that when Carroll repeated her allegation that Trump raped her, her words were “substantially true”. Kaplan also set out in detail why it may be said that Trump raped Carroll. Judge says E Jean Carroll allegation Trump raped her is ‘substantially true’ in court dismissal
You voted for a man who physically and forcibly either non-consensually assaults the genitalia of unwilling, physically less powerful females, or outright has sex with them against their will. Imagine knowing that a person uses their physical or financial power to forcibly engage in non-consensual sex acts with an unwilling victim........ and casting a vote for that person to be President of the United States. And to top it all off..... then quoting scripture!! Good stuff, man. You must be proud.
Have to laugh every time I hear about the evils of liberalism and left-wing propaganda in college. Maybe true for some majors but as a Finance major the only political propaganda I recall from my days at UF was how great that old "commie" Milton Friedman and free markets were.
Same. But then again, MAGA voted for a guy who literally stated that schools were performing unauthorized sex change surgeries without the parents knowing. They actually voted a dude who said that crap to be President of the United States.
while I believe there was hoopy scoopy going on with the 2020 election- for me it is moot. I hope President Trump leaves alone and works on the things that are important
No, sorry. Using some weird term from the 1950's isn't an excuse for trying to perpetuate the untrue lie that was lied by Trump for 4 years after his election loss. Or did you have any proof of this? Or do you just choose to believe things for which there is no evidence?
Multiple audits, even audits by Pubs, dozens of court cases, and now actual admissions of some of the participants.... ALL certify that there was no significant fraud in the election. But the maga cult believes the lies of the narcissistic felon that refuses to admit that he was soundly defeated by Biden by a huge 7 million vote difference.